Page 58 of Pet

“Where do you think you’re going, Damon?” I asked boldly and every single pair of eyes in the place tore back to me.

“You’re not leaving either, Damon,” Silas said as he casually glanced in the direction of a man he’d once thought was his ally. “When Chloe had first told me of your treachery, my friend, I hadn’t believed it, but I’ve been watching you for weeks. When you thought you were alone, you weren’t. When you went and met with Matthew Lucchese time and time again, I knew about it. I know that he offered you a great deal of money to betray me and I’m disappointed to know that you’d turn on me at a low price when you know I would have gone far higher,” he continued.

Damon froze.

“If it was just me, I might have let you walk out of here tonight, but I’m not the only person that you sold out, was I?” he asked.

“She’s just a girl,” Damon scoffed. “She doesn’t fucking mean anything. Hell, it would be better for all of us if she were dead.”

“No. She’s not just a girl. She’s the woman I love,” Silas growled.

My heart melted just as the first gunshot went off. The entire room went silent, trying to understand what happened.

A single round had gone into Damon’s skull. The wound was small and unobtrusive. For a moment, he stood there in shock as a single trail of blood dripped down his nose. He wavered from side to side before his eyes deadened and he fell. He hit the table hard on his way down and I shuddered when he finally crashed to the floor in a mangled heap.

The room exploded in gunfire.

I rolled hard to the side, knocking over a much smaller table and using it as cover. I got a few rounds off and managed to hit one of the kingpins myself. I wasn’t completely sure, but I thought I’d been the one to take down Nick myself.

The booming sound of gunfire was painfully loud. None of the guns had silencers on them and the echo roared in my ears.

I kept my cover through much of it, ensuring that I didn’t make myself an open target as the bullets flew. Every time that I braved a look, another kingpin went down.

It was hard to keep track of what was happening, but it was over in the span of a few minutes. When it finally went quiet, I carefully glanced over top of the table’s edge to see that it was over.

Silas lowered his gun. All of the kingpins and their right-hand men were dead. The only ones left standing were me and him and the rest of his team.

His eyes met mine and he held out his fingers, beckoning me to him. Without a second thought, I rushed to him. My body was pumping with pure adrenaline and I just wanted to be near him.

“Are you hurt, my pet?” he whispered once I was safe in his arms. I shook my head.

“Are you?” I asked nervously.

“No. I’m not hurt,” he said softly.

His team walked toward us. I noticed they were wearing black combat gear complete with bulletproof vests.

“Ya know, for some of the most powerful men in the city, their aim sucks,” Dean complained.

“Not even the slightest fucking challenge, boss,” Eric muttered.

Silas chuckled in amusement.

“Why don’t you clear out the bodies and dispose of them. Make sure that they are found. Tomorrow, I’ll get in contact with what’s left of the Genovese family and inform them that there is a new queen in charge,” Silas said thoughtfully.

“You got it,” Julian grinned.

“When you’re done, call in the cleaners. I happen to like this little club. I have fond memories here,” Silas said, and I felt myself blush as I caught the meaning of his words.

His fingers tightened around mine and I lifted my chin to meet his gaze.

“I’m going to take my kitten back home now. I promised her a stern lesson over my knee for her sassiness tonight and I intend to keep that promise,” he added boldly. The warm heat across my cheeks immediately grew hot

ter at the same time that my pussy clenched hard with desire and I was instantly reminded of the small plug that I’d been wearing for him all night.

“Wait. You’re going to spank me?” I squeaked, squirming against him with aching need. Now that the danger was dealt with, my body rebounded with agonizingly strong desire and I wanted him. I wanted him so badly that I couldn’t stand it.

“I’m going to do whatever I want with you tonight, my sassy little kitten, which most certainly includes spanking your beautiful little bottom bright red,” he smirked. I whimpered nervously in response, knowing that his entire team had heard what he planned on doing to me. Thankfully, none of them said anything in response and I simply stood there trying to manage my shameful arousal instead.