Page 21 of Losing Hope

Chapter Ten

Blake was reading the paper and having coffee as he waited for her to wake the next morning. His gaze went to the bed when she rolled to the side and then sat up. He could tell she had no idea he was right behind her.

His brows pinched together when she moaned as she stood. Her first few steps were slow, and he almost called out to her but knew he’d make her embarrassed.

The bathroom door closed, and then he heard the shower turn on.

Thirty minutes later, she came out of the bathroom dressed, and her hair was mostly dried.

She stopped halfway to him and looked from him to the bed to the bathroom. “How long have you been sitting there?”

He guessed he knew why she was asking. She hadn’t wanted him to see her walking like an old woman. “Why?”

She shook her head. “I … it’s no reason.”

“Okay, good. Come eat some breakfast.”

She sat gingerly on the seat across from him, telling him she was most likely sore. He’d have to ask his brother how long she’d ache and what he could do to help her. He knew fucking her was out until she healed.

Several minutes had passed when his phone rang.

“Blake,” he said.

“Hey,” Alastair said. “I’ve got Hope’s other sister and mom here.”

“Good. We’ll be right down.”

He stood and put his phone in his pocket. “Are you finished?”

She delicately wiped her mouth and stood beside him. He took her hand, and they walked out of their bedroom. He didn’t understand why he got more nervous the closer they got to her family until he realized it came from the fear that he might lose her, but he reminded himself he wouldn’t let that happen.

They were close to the dining room when Faith poked her head around the corner.

“Hope, come on. Mama and Angelica are here.”

With a cry of surprise, she tore her hand from his and raced after her sister. He saw four women who looked just about identical by the window, crying and hugging.

It took him a moment to see which one was the mother. She looked as young as her daughters.

“Hey,” Graham said as he came to stand next to him.

“Hey.” He couldn’t take his eyes off his woman.

Graham bumped his shoulder against Blake’s. “I know how you’re feeling.”

“At least you’re married already,” Blake said.


“Do you think Alastair and Father would be able to set up a quick wedding today?”

“Today?” Graham raised his brows.


Graham chuckled. “I’ll go ask.”

Blake nodded and walked over to where the women were standing. He cleared his throat to get their attention. He almost grinned at the blush that crept over Hope’s face.