Page 23 of Losing Hope

Chapter Eleven

Hope stared up at Blake. Why in the world was he pushing this so much? Her emotions were all over the board. She’d been ecstatic to see her family, embarrassed when she forgot to introduce Blake to them, and then shocked that Blake would actually threaten her.

She almost wanted to call his bluff, but she guessed she’d lose by the look in his eyes.

“All right.”

He looked relieved. “Really? You’re not going to fight me?”

She shook her head. “No”

“Good. I’ll have it ready to go before dinner tonight, and then we can celebrate.”

She nodded.

He cupped her face in his hands. “Baby, I want you to be happy about this.”

She set her hands on his chest. “I am. I’m just confused with the rush.”

“I want you to have my name and to be able to take care of you.”

That didn’t help, but she didn’t ask any more questions.

“Let’s go tell them now.” He pulled her back into the dining room and over to her family.

She narrowed her eyes and then sighed when he raised a brow. “Mama, Faith, and Angelica, I’m excited to tell you that Blake and I are getting married today.”

He looked smug, while her family seemed shocked, and his family was amused.

“Oh, my,” Aria said. “This is what you want, baby?”

“Yes, Mama.”

She nodded. “Okay. I’m thrilled I’ll be able to see your wedding.”

“Me, too.”

“What time?” Aria asked.

She looked up at Blake.

“I think five o’clock will work.”

She saw his father sigh and look at his watch before leaving the room.

“I’ve got a lot to get done, baby. I’ll see you at the wedding.”

“Okay.” She nodded.

He bent and kissed her before he walked away. She saw him stop by Beth, and then the woman headed their way.

Beth grinned. “So, I’m supposed to get you attired for the wedding.”

Hope sighed. “Yes.”

“How about we all go to my room and look through my closet? I bet we can find dresses for your mom and sister. You could have them as your bridesmaids.”

“I want you as a bridesmaid, too,” Hope said.