Page 33 of Losing Hope

“Fuck, put the tape together to make them think we’re still tied.”

The women put the tape back on their mouths and then smoothed the ones around their feet and hands before Hope put the knife back in the sheath. It would have to do because they were right outside the door.

She looked at the other girls and saw they pressed their hands against their laps to hide the loose tape.

The door opened, and six men walked in.

“No fucking way.”

“I told you, Meyer,” Frankie said.

Hope saw Benny behind them, looking worried.

“Do you know how much money we can get for these cunts?” Meyer said.

The man crouched in front of them and reached for her face. She jerked her head back and away.

“Oh, now, come on, princess. I don’t care if you fight me. I actually enjoy it. I think me and the guys will enjoy you while we have you.” They laughed. Meyer stood and walked back to the group.

The women sat still and listened to Meyer’s plans for them. He talked about raping them and then killing them so the Macleans would never find their bodies. It just kept getting worse, and Hope’s stomach tightened. She tried to figure out different ways they could get out of the situation, but there weren’t many options.

“Let’s go eat, and then I’ll make the call. We’ll see how nice your husbands are. If they’re pricks, we’ll take it out on you cunts.” Meyer laughed, turned, and walked out, followed by everyone except Benny.

Hope mumbled to get his attention. He came over and pulled the tape off. “Benny, is there a back way out of here if we can get free?”

“Yeah. I’ll bring a knife back when I bring food. I don’t want him touching you.”

Hope nodded. “Okay. You better go.”

“I’m so sorry.” Benny left.

She waited until he left to pull at the tape. “You guys, we’ve got to get out of here.”

They all stood and walked to the door. Faith opened it, listened, and peeked out before opening it more. Then the three sneaked out. Hope shut the door behind her and followed.

They made it to the end of the hallway and turned right. Hope was starting to get scared when they couldn’t find a door to the outside.

“Let’s go out a window,” Faith said.

Beth and Faith pulled up to one bigger window than the others. A sickening high-pitched squeak came from the window made them freeze. The distant sound of laughter brought them back.

They looked out and saw they would be falling several feet, but they didn’t have a choice.

“I’ll go first and then help Beth out.”

Faith lifted herself with help from Hope and Beth and went feetfirst through the window. Hope heard a thump and then a curse before Faith looked back at them from the other side of the window.


Hope helped Beth through and then herself. Faith and Hope pulled the window down, and they took off down an alley.