Page 40 of Losing Hope

Chapter Nineteen

Hope stretched the next morning before looking around the room. She was disappointed Blake wasn’t there until she looked at the clock and showed it was close to ten.

“No wonder. The man has several businesses to take care of and he can’t sleep in as I can.” As she was resting, she smelled the coffee. She looked toward the table they sat at and saw a tray.

“Oh, thank God.” She rolled out of bed, picked up the robe that was on the floor, pulled it on, and tied the belt. She jerked to a stop after her first step when she felt how tender her ass was.

She could feel a blush cover her face. He’d fucked her ass the night before, and she had begged him for more. God, he had to think she was slutty to like that. No lady would ever enjoy something like that.

How could she face him? She pressed her face into her hands. She needed to talk to her sister, but first, she needed some caffeine.

She sat down and grimaced when her ass hit the fabric before she poured a cup of hot coffee and got some fruit onto the plate. That was when she saw the note.

I hope you got enough rest, pet. Relax around the room for the day, and I’ll have meals brought up to you. Do not leave the room.


Hell, there was no phone, so how was she supposed to talk to her sister? She’d worry about that after taking a bath, hoping it would help with her soreness. Just thinking about why she was sore, her face would burn, and her stomach tightened.

Hope took an hour-long bath and did feel better. She dressed in the most modest outfit she had because it made her feel more ladylike.

The day seemed to drag, but she kept busy with movies and books and ate the meals alone. When it got late, she got ready for bed and lay down, trying to stay awake long enough to see Blake.

She had no idea when he slid into bed, but it was very late. He held her against his body but was gone again in the morning with another note to stay in the room.

On the third morning of him ignoring her, she’d had enough. She took care of her hair and dress because she’d do anything to make him want her and not ignore her. When she got halfway down the stairs, she caught movement out of the corner of her eye and turned that way.

Blake had a young woman in his arms before letting her walk away. Hope was so stunned she was frozen. He turned and saw her but stood there looking at her with no warmth on his face.

She felt the pain and remorse when all he did was narrow his eyes and point to the stairs before he walked off.

Her legs gave out, and she sat on the step, gripped the spindle, and pressed her face into it. God, she knew he was pissed, but she hadn’t known she’d done so much damage that their marriage was over. And it was over if he thought he could fuck other women and she’d put up with it. She knew she was probably exaggerating, but she hated to see another woman touch him.

Another thought was that maybe he didn’t want to be married to a slutty woman. Hell, what man would? God, she desperately needed to talk to her mother. She’d tell her what to do, but first, she had to get home.

She carefully got to her feet and walked back into her room. Then she pulled a bag out of the closet and started to fold her clothes into it.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Blake asked.

A scream burst from her, and she twirled to face him. She pressed a hand to her chest.

“Answer me,” he barked.

“I’m getting out of your hair.”

She walked into the bathroom and returned with her hands full of hair products.

“You really think I’m going to let you go?”

“Yes. Go back to your whore.” She bowed her head. “I understand men like to fuck whores but not be married to them, so I get it.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?”

Hell, she was starting to sound crazy, but she couldn’t stop.

“The woman you were with. Go to her because I can’t be your whore and look at myself in the mirror.”

“I’m still at a loss,” Blake said.