Page 10 of Halloween Candy

“Well, well, well,” she said as I closed the door behind me. “What were you doing in there?”

“Nothing!” I blurted out as I took the steps. “Come on. We’re going home.”

Chapter Five

Mr. Cox

My phone rang for the third time and I silenced it again as I sat on the couch with the biggest hard-on I’d ever had.

Not now, not now, I pleaded as I felt the rage threaten to take me over. Not only had Emily and I been interrupted at the exact wrong time, but now this?

The phone rang again and I realized that she wasn’t going to stop, and not answering was probably just going to end up making things worse, so I answered.

“What is it, Tammy?” I spat.

“Watch your tone, Dylan!” Tammy snapped back, her voice as bitchy as it always was. I put the phone on mute and groaned, then unmuted it and tried to pretend like she wasn’t the last person on earth I wanted to talk to right now (or ever).

“What is it, Tammy?” I repeated.

“I wanted to know if you’ve thought about my proposal,” she said. I almost laughed at the audacity.

“Proposal? Is that what you are calling it? Because I would call it blackmail, and so would a judge.”

“Can you calm down, Dylan?” Tammy asked in that sweet, condescending voice she always used when things weren’t going her way. “I think you are letting yourself get angry again.”

“Oh, why would I do that?” I asked as I got to my feet. “What possible reason would I have for getting angry?”

“Did you get my flowers?” she asked. I glanced over to my trash can where the bouquet she’d sent over was lying beneath my leftover spaghetti from last night.

“You need to give this up, Tammy,” I told her. “You and I are never going to happen.”

“Oh, Dylan,” she laughed like a mother talking to her silly child. “You know that’s not true. Think about what happened before—”

“Nothing happened before!” I roared. “That was you—that was you making something out of nothing.”

I thought back to that day and felt my stomach turn.

It was after school and I’d been sitting in the teachers’ lounge with Mr. Brooks talking about the lacrosse team’s recent game when she had come in.

Mrs. Arrington, the self-proclaimed queen of the school. She wasn’t bad-looking at all. In fact she could have been pretty if she’d taken it easy with the make-up and whatever crazy hairstyle she’d decided to go with that week, but she had had her eye on me since day one and would simply not take no for an answer.

Mr. Brooks, thinking it was funny, beat a quick exit the minute he saw her, leaving me alone with her.

“Hey, Mrs. Arrington,” I said as I got to my feet and started packing my bag.

“Please, call me Tammy,” she’d said with a smile, coming right up to me like we were old friends or, worse, together. I simply smiled and put my bag over my shoulder, but when I tried to move past her to the door, she stood in my way.

“Where are you going, hot stuff?” she asked, biting her lips.

“Mrs. Arrington, this is inappropriate,” I tried telling her, but she shook her head and placed a finger over my lips.

“There’s no one else here, Dylan. You don’t have to give me the party line. It’s okay. We both know you want this.”

She leaned in and pressed her tits against me and opened her mouth for a kiss. I immediately backed away.

“No, Mrs. Arrington. You are mistaken. I don’t want this. We are both risking our careers by even doing this here, the school has a strict policy—”

“So, take me home!” she lusted as she reached forward and took me by the hand. Before I could pull back, she slid it beneath her dress and pressed my fingers against her moist mound. “You feel that?”