Page 12 of Halloween Candy

“Witch! Witch!” she laughed as she scampered away.

“Oh, I thought you said something else.”

“Uh huh!” she replied. “So, what were you doing in Mr. Cox’s house? Huh?”

“He was just showing me one of my old math tests,” I lied. “I guess I had written a silly note to him on why I thought I got the last problem wrong, but it turned out I got it right. He thought it was funny so he kept it.”

“Uh huh,” she replied again. “Suuuuuuuure! You two were kissin’!”

“Shush!” I shouted as I leapt at her. She raced away and I chased her down the street, fighting to hold the hem of my dress down as I ran.

A low-hanging spider web snatched my witch’s hat from my head but I kept running after my crazy little sister who was practically screaming.

“Emily and Mr. Cox sittin’ in a tree!”

“Shut up!” I hissed. I finally caught up with her and kicked her ankle, causing her to trip onto a lawn covered with fake gravestones. Giggling, she rolled around as I sat on her stomach and pinched her lips shut.

“Quiet or I will kill you in your sleep!” I told her. “Do you want to die, Margie!?”

Margie just giggled and stuck her finger in my side right where she knew I was the most ticklish, causing me to jump and giving her a chance to escape.

“Ooooh, she’s mad!” she teased as she jumped around between the gravestones.

“Seriously, Margie,” I pleaded. “Keep your voice down! What if someone hears you?”

Her eyes went wide. “So it is true! You two were kissin’!”

“HUSH!” I snapped, letting her know I really wasn’t playing around. “Seriously, Margie. Hush!”

Margie kept smiling but I could see she understood. She jumped over one of the headstones and went over to where my hat had fallen, picked it up and brought it over to me.

“You like him, don’t you?”

“I—why would you even say that?” I asked her.

“Oh, come on!” Margie laughed. “I may only be thirteen, but everybody knows Mr. Cox is the hottest guy in school. We all make jokes about it.”

“Even you?”

She shrugged and smiled. “He’s hot, Emily.”

“Okay, no,” I said as I started to walk back to our house. “We are not having this conversation.”

“We obviously are,” she said as she walked quickly beside me. A group of kids screamed as someone in a werewolf costume chased them down the sidewalk and I walked faster, hoping that Margie would get distracted and drop it.

But if there was one thing you could say about my sister, it was that she was persistent, and she kept right up with me and poked me again in the side.

“Ow, stop!”

“Not until you tell me what happened!”

“I told you, Margie,” I replied. “He was showing me an old test.”

“He was showing you his dick!” she laughed.

“Margie!” I exclaimed. “Who taught you to talk that way?”

“You’re not denying it!”