Page 14 of Halloween Candy

“Well, for one, he’s older than me—”

“Which is hot!”

“And he also used to be my teacher,” I replied. “What would mom and dad think?”

“It doesn’t matter what others think when it comes to true love,” Margie joked, hanging from my shoulder.

Our house came into view and we crossed the street as a few vampires on unicycles passed us throwing tiny bags of Skittles into the air. I caught one and stuffed it in Margie’s pumpkin basket.

“Just don’t mention it to them yet, okay?” I asked as we came in the front door. “Let me handle this.”

“Cross my heart,” she smiled.

Of course, I didn’t mention it at dinner. What was I going to say anyway? I couldn’t tell my mom and dad that Mr. Cox had just gone down on me while I was supposed to be watching over Margie.

Instead, we talked about college, freshman life, the dorms, the dining hall food and all that stuff. I ate quickly and excused myself to go to my room. My plan was to have some more alone time while I thought about Mr. Cox’s handsome face looking up at me from between my thighs, but just as I locked the door, dimmed the lights and lay back on my bed, my phone buzzed, alerting me that I had an e-mail.

Check it later, I thought. But, like most phone-addicted people these days, I quickly opened my e-mail and froze when I saw who it was from.

Dylan Cox.

How does he have my e-mail address? I thought as I opened it.

Emily, I’m sorry for e-mailing you like this out of the blue, but your address was still in the school database and I couldn’t help myself.

I have to see you again. Tonight. We barely got started. You know where to find me. Say you will cum…

-Dylan ;)

My heart was pounding. I felt myself blush again and squirmed against my mattress, my mind instantly filled with the memory of his tongue pressed against my sweetest of places.

It was wrong, wasn’t it? But then…why did it feel so right?

He may not be my teacher any more,

but there was still so much I wanted to learn from him, none of it relating to math.

I started to reply but decided against it.

No, I’ll surprise him, I thought. Give him a little Halloween surprise.

I went into the bathroom and checked myself in the mirror, fixed my hair and my dress, and quietly opened my bedroom window. I may be an adult, but while I was back in my parents’ house, I was living by their rules. If I was going out after dinner, they’d want to know where, and I wasn’t ready to have that conversation yet.

As I swung my legs out onto the porch roof, a thought occurred to me. I stood up, slid my panties down and kicked them into the closet. Then, I climbed out of my room, jumped off the porch roof and landed softly in the shadows of the side yard.

It didn’t take long to make my way back to his house. The trick-or-treaters were mostly all gone home by now. Only a few straggling teenage boys out looking for trouble scampered across the streets wearing silly masks, or none at all. I kept out of their way and eventually found myself standing at the foot of Mr. Cox’s steps, dripping wet, but also on the verge of having an anxiety attack.

This is crazy! I thought. I’d never even hooked up with anyone else before, and now I was sneaking over here to do what exactly? I didn’t even know. All I knew was that I wanted to see him—I needed to.

Even still, I was so nervous that I started to turn back when the front door opened and I heard his strong voice call out to me.


I turned back to see him there shirtless, the soft glow from inside illuminating the lines of his body.

His physique was insane. Was he a math teacher or a gym teacher? Did he fitness model on the side? I tried not to let my jaw drop but could do nothing about the increasing wetness between my legs.

He is gorgeous…