Page 3 of Halloween Candy

“I’ve been holding out all year,” I told her. “But I don’t know if I can any more.”

Her beautiful eyes had me hypnotized. She smelled so fucking sweet and her lips glistened, making me picture her pretty little pussy. Was it wet under those pants? She wasn’t looking at me like a student anymore; she was looking at me like a woman, a beautiful woman who saw something she wanted.

Don’t, I thought. It’s wrong.

But was it? Graduation is tomorrow. After that, she wouldn’t even be my student anymore. Was it really wrong if we both wanted it?

“I’ve never seen you with a boy,” I whispered. Emily blushed, looking away.

“That’s because I’ve never had one.”

My heart jumped.

“Why not?” I asked. “A beautiful girl like you?”

Emily shrugged, embarrassed by her admission. Little did she know it was exactly what I’d wanted to hear.

“Like you said—I’m a great student,” she replied. “I guess I just spent too much time studying.”

“Emily,” I said. “But after tomorrow, I won’t be Mr. Cox anymore; I’ll just be Dylan. I may not be your math teacher, but there is so much I want to teach you.”

“You—you do?” she replied, her lower lip trembling.

“So much. Do you want that?”

Emily hesitated, her eyes wide and innocent, but then slowly nodded.


My heart flared and my body cried out. I couldn’t hold out any longer. My eyes on her wet lips, I leaned forward. She leaned towards me at the same time, and just as our mouths were about to meet, her cell phone blared from her bag.

“Oh!” she cried out with surprise, fumbling for the thing as it vibrated and rang at the same time.


“Don’t answer—” I started to say, but it was too late. She unlocked the phone and raised it to her ear.

“Hey, mom!” she stammered. “No. No, I’m still at school. Okay, yeah. I’m leaving now.”

My heart sank. Emily smiled at me, then turned away, still on the phone, and walked out of my life. The last I saw of her was at graduation, smiling as she took her diploma and threw her cap in the air, and then she was gone.

Chapter Two


Four months later…

The crisp autumn breeze blew my hair across my face as I stepped out of my car and made my way up to the steps of my house. I hadn’t been back since I’d left for school and was happy to see that my family hadn’t given up their pumpkin carving tradition while I was gone.

Three pumpkins sat beside the door; a witch, a spider and something looking like a monster that must have been done by my little sister whose artistic talents were…let’s just say cute.

The whole neighborhood was in full Halloween effect, with fake spiders and spider webs, pumpkins and flickering orange lights. Mr. Franklin had his Michael Myers on his front lawn, hiding behind a tree with a motion sensor that played a scary sound when you got too close, and Charlotte had her blow-up snowman with a pumpkin on his head on her porch. It served as a two-in-one decoration, as she could strip it of its Halloween décor come winter and be ready for Christmas.

“Emily!” Margaret screamed as I stepped through the front door. I almost toppled over as she threw herself into the air and clung to me like some kind of monkey.

“Hey, Margie,” I smiled as I braced myself against the wall. “How are you, sis?”

“It’s so good to see you!” she laughed as I managed to set her down without injuring either of us. “How have you been? How’s school? Did you meet any boys, go to any cool parties?”