
I paused to pull myself together, not wanting Nick to become suspicious. The only thing going for me was the fact he really didn’t know anything about Imogene.

Didn’t know she’d been a survivor since birth.

Didn’t know how hard she’d fight for those she loved.

Didn’t know she was a complete badass.

And because of that, I had no doubt she’d get herself out of here.

Forcing a subtle smile onto my face, I stepped into the hallway, nearly slamming into Nick, who stood inches from Imogene’s door.

“Did you…take care of it?”

I rolled my eyes. “It’s her period. Not a feral animal. But yes. I explained what she needed to do and how to minimize any discomfort. She’s getting ready to soak in the tub.” I continued past him, making my way down the hall and into my room, Nick following.

I slipped inside, turning around to close the door, pausing at Nick’s intimidating presence.

I arched a brow. “I assume you want to keep an eye on me?”

“You assume correctly.”

Heaving out a sigh, I stepped back to allow him into my room. “Come on in then. You can have a seat on the bed.”

After he brushed past me, I shut the door, blowing out a relieved breath that it was all going according to plan.

So far.

“Is this okay?” I asked quickly, glancing over my shoulder at him. “The door being closed? It’s just a habit, I suppose. I can leave it open, if you’d prefer,” I added, hoping I wasn’t overplaying my hand.

“You may leave it closed,” he instructed, a sly smirk curving his lips. “Some alone time might do us good. After all, isn’t that what that crackpot therapist we went to suggested? That we spend some time together, just the two of us?”

I faced him, doing everything I could to keep my hands from trembling. “That is what she suggested. Now…” I made my way toward the closet that shared a wall with Imogene’s room. “I think I have the perfect dress in mind for dinner,” I said loudly, as if wanting to be sure Nick could hear me.

In reality, there was only one person I cared about hearing me.

When the sound of running water filtered from the other side of the wall, I knew Imogene had.

Quickly selecting a dress I knew Nick would appreciate, I returned to the bedroom.

“What do you think of this one?” I held it in front of my body.

He pinched his lips together, studying it carefully. “It’s hard to say. It looks good on the hanger. But I’d like to see it on you before I decide.”

I chewed on my bottom lip, hesitating. I had to play this smart. If I appeared too eager, he’d know something was amiss. But if I was too resistant, he might call an end to this entire charade and pull me back downstairs. I couldn’t have that. I needed him to stay in this room. At least until Imogene had enough time to get as far away as possible.

“If that’s what you’d like.” I smiled, turning toward the en-suite bathroom.

But I didn’t make it more than a few feet before he jumped up and grasped my arm, stopping me in my tracks.

“Here,” he demanded.


His dark eyes locked on mine. “You’ll undress and dress in here. In front of me. So I can make sure you’re not trying to hide a weapon anywhere. Forgive me, my love, but our a certain past encounter has left me a tad…distrustful. I’d rather not have a repeat of that little incident.”

Reminding myself I was doing this for Imogene, I stepped out of my sneakers and pulled off my socks. I refused to look directly at Nick as I lifted the t-shirt over my head and slid off my shorts.