Which only served as a reminder that Ethan was involved. That I’d allowed him into my home, my family, my life, only to learn he was the reason Piper was dead.

That Claire was dead.

And that Julia may very well be dead, too.

It was a good thing Agent Curran killed him. If he hadn’t, I would have taken care of him myself. And it wouldn’t have been as quick as a bullet to the chest. Or head. Or wherever he was shot. I would have made him suffer. Made him beg for his life.

At the muffled sound of the front gate opening and slamming shut, I snapped out of my thoughts.

“You expecting anyone?” Nikko asked, a single brow arched. “Your driver maybe?”

I shook my head. “I drive myself to home games. Plus, whoever it is has a code to unlock the gate.”

Grabbing my phone, I pulled up the app for my security system, navigating to the exterior cameras.

When I saw the slender figure sprinting up the driveway toward the front door, I dropped my cell and darted out of the house as fast as my legs could carry me.

“What is it?” Nikko called after me, following close on my heels.

My arms pumped, heart raced, lungs burned. But I didn’t stop.

Not until my body collided with Imogene’s. I wrapped my arms around her, hugging her tightly. Sobs wracked through her as she clung to me, tears drenching my shirt. But I didn’t care. All I did care about was that she was safe. That she was here.

That she was home.

“Shh… It’s okay, sweetie,” I quivered, smoothing her blonde waves. “You’re safe. I got you. Nothing bad’s ever going to happen to you again. I swear to you, Imogene.”

“He has Mama,” she cried out, pulling away and meeting my eyes. “She sacrificed herself so I could get out. And now…” Her chin trembled. “Now I’m worried he’s doing what he—”

“Where were you?” I interrupted, not allowing her to voice the same concerns I had since I’d learned Nick had her.

Hell, since I’d learned about Nick’s assault on Christine Griffin.

“At the house.”

“What house?”

“Our house.”

I pushed out a relieved breath, a weight momentarily lifting. “It’s going to be okay.” I pulled Imogene into my arms again. “Your mama did the right thing in getting you out of there and sending you here.”

I kissed the top of her head, then stepped back. “I want you to go with Nikko. He’s going to take you to the hospital to make sure you’re okay.”


“You’ve been missing for forty-eight hours, Imogene. I need to make sure this didn’t put undue stress on your heart. So he’s taking you. No argument.”

“And where will you be?” Nikko asked.

“Where do you think?”

“I’ll call Curran. He should handle it.”

“He’s near Emory. That’s twenty minutes away on a good day with no traffic. I’m only five.”

“Lachlan, be smart. You’re not—”

“Smart?” I interjected, my voice rising in pitch, coming out almost crazed. “Smart went out the window the second that bastard hurt my ohana. And now the woman I love is enduring God knows what. So while I appreciate your concern, I’m going. This. Ends. Now.”