“What are you doing here?”

“Wes told me you were coming here today.”

“But you’re supposed to be in California.”

He smiled shyly, running his fingers through his hair. “I thought it more important I be here. Show my support.”

I stared at him for several seconds, shaking my head.

After our argument, Lachlan was the last person I expected to see. But the fact he was here, that he somehow managed to swallow his pride and do what he felt I needed, meant the world to me.

Walking toward him, I wrapped my arms around him, sighing at how perfect his body felt against mine. He hesitated, then pulled me into his embrace. I inhaled his scent, drawing comfort and strength from the familiarity.

“I’ve missed this,” I confessed, ignoring the fact that we had an audience. That was the least of my worries right now. All I did care about was savoring in the warmth of Lachlan’s arms around me.

“I’ve missed this, too.”

Cupping my face in his hands, he rested his forehead on mine. As he pushed out a tiny puff of air, I did the same, exchanging my breath with his, the connection I’d felt from that first night strengthening with every second.

“Be fearless,” he said, pulling back and gazing into my eyes. “Show him he doesn’t scare you anymore. That he can’t get to you anymore. That he has no power over you anymore.”

“I will.”

“Good.” He leaned down, brushing a soft kiss against my temple before stepping away.

“Ready?” Agent Curran asked with a raised brow.

I took one last deep breath, then nodded. “Ready.”

He opened the door, and I followed, pausing to glance over my shoulder one last time, giving Lachlan a small smile. Then I joined Agent Curran in the hallway, walking to the interrogation room door.

“Remember what I said…” He faced me. “If at any time you no longer feel comfortable, get up and walk to the door. I’ll take over from there. He won’t be able to follow you. Won’t be able to touch you. He’ll be chained to the table. He can’t hurt you. Okay?”


“Okay,” he repeated, then nodded at the guard.

After swiping his keycard, the guard pressed his thumb against the scanner. The door buzzed, followed by a click. Agent Curran grabbed the handle and, giving me one last encouraging look, opened the door.

The instant I crossed the threshold, Nick swung his gaze to mine, his eyes still as cold and threatening as they were during our marriage.

“My beautiful Julia…”

The sound of his voice made bile rise in my throat. My knees nearly buckled, but I quickly recovered, squaring my shoulders, not wanting to give him the pleasure of seeing so much as a hint of weakness.

He attempted to get up, momentarily forgetting about the shackles keeping him bound to the metal table.

“Please excuse my lack of manners,” he said in a low, Southern drawl. “Unfortunately, it’s out of my control at the moment.”

I cautiously made my way to the chair on the opposite side of the table, doing my best to keep as much space between us as possible. Nick’s gaze didn’t stray from me, the way he stared at me making my skin crawl.

Which was probably exactly what he wanted.

“My god…,” he exhaled once I finally sat down, a twisted look of awe on his face. “You are just as beautiful as you were on our wedding day. My heart…” He attempted to cover his chest with his hand, the restraints stopping him. “It still skips a beat at your mere presence. Tell me, my love…” He leaned toward me, a dangerous glint in his eyes. “Do I still have that effect on you? Pulse racing, stomach fluttering, all-consuming need? I’ll be honest…”

He swept his gaze over my body. The way he looked at me made me queasy, but I swallowed down any trepidation, feigning indifference.

“I thought you were stunning as a blonde, but this shade of red is quite becoming on you. Then again, I’ll always consider you the most beautiful woman to ever walk the earth. My eternal beloved. My Hera.” He dropped his voice, something sinister creeping into his tone. “My wife.”