He always did.

“Now, what was the original reason for Claire’s visit?” I crossed my legs and tapped my fingernails against the table, pretending as if my answer didn’t just bruise his vastly inflated ego.

He glared at me, his jaw hardening as he attempted to maintain his composure. Then he relaxed.

“She wanted to discuss my background. The early years. She’d hoped to learn a bit more about me in order to do another episode of her podcast. A ‘deeper dive’, as she called it.”

I nodded. “Your turn.” I flashed him an unaffected smile.

He tilted his head, intense gaze focused on me. I tried to not let it unnerve me. Reminded myself this was just another part of his game. Another way to take back the upper hand I’d somehow managed to hold onto, despite how uncomfortable I felt being in the same room with him.

“Let’s talk about this one person you’ve been with. How recent was it? Is it still going on?” He glanced at my left hand. “Considering there’s no indentation where my ring once sat, it’s safe to assume another hasn’t yet taken its place. But are you currently involved with this man?”

“I, uh…” His question caught me off guard. I wasn’t sure how to answer.

Was I currently involved with Lachlan? Sure, it meant a lot that he came here today to offer me support. But did that fix us?

“It’s a yes or no question, Julia,” Nick taunted, eyes gleaming with excitement over the prospect of hitting on something he could use to get to me. “You’re either still with him or you’re not.”

“Yes,” I answered, although my tone came out hesitant. “It’s still going on.”

“Are you sure about that? You don’t sound certain. What’s wrong? Is he unable to give you what you need?”

With every word, he edged closer, the coldness in his eyes not allowing me to escape. I wanted to tell him I’d never experienced the things Lachlan made me feel. But Nick found his opening. Found my weakness. And he planned to use it against me.

Like he always did.

“Does a brush of his skin against yours light you on fire? Does he make you moan and beg for more? Does he make you come so hard you see stars?”

At the sound of something banging against the two-way mirror, I startled, jumping in my chair.

“Is he here?” Nick’s face lit up. “Has he been listening to every word of our conversation?”


“Tell me about him, Julia.” Licking his lips, he leaned toward me, the malevolence in his stare causing a chill to trickle down my spine. “And don’t leave out a single detail.”

“I believe I answered your question,” I began, voice wavering. “It’s my turn.”

Nick obviously didn’t care about the rules of our game anymore, though, continuing his line of questioning.

“Do you crave his touch? His kiss? His embrace?”

I parted my lips, shaking my head, no words coming.

“Do the hours you’re apart seem an interminable curse? Does your heart sing at the mere thought of him? Do you have dreams of building a life? A home? A family?”

Every word felt like another cut against my skin, a reminder of everything I’d never be able to have because of Nick. Because of what he put me through for years.

“Has he taken my place in your heart? Is he your soul mate? Tell me, Julia… Do you love him?”

“How can I?!”

I shot to my feet, my shrill voice echoing against the walls, all the resolve I struggled to hold onto disappearing in the span of a heartbeat.

“How can I possibly allow him to have a piece of my heart when you fucking destroyed me?! How can I trust anyone enough to have a future with them after you used my trust against me? When every day I woke up scared for my life?! And the life of everyone I cared about?! How can I possibly have a chance at being happy with anyone after what you put me through, you sick, demented fuck?”

The realization of what I’d just confessed suddenly hit me. I clapped my hands over my mouth just as the door flew open, Agent Curran and two guards rushing into the room.