
I blinked my eyes open after a buzzing stirred me from sleep, Wes’ name flashing on my phone from the bedside table. It wasn’t yet six in the morning in Hawaii. And while it was nearly noon in Atlanta, a completely reasonable time to call to catch up, I had a feeling that wasn’t the purpose of this phone call. Not after last night.

Propping myself up, I brought my phone to my ear.

“Morning, Wes,” I answered softly, trying to sound as awake as possible after spending most of the night falling victim to Lachlan’s incredible sexual prowess.

After the interlude on the dining room table, things returned to some semblance of normalcy. We roasted marshmallows by the fire pit. Had s’mores. Laughed and joked, as if Lachlan’s world hadn’t immeasurably shifted only hours ago.

I was more than aware we were both in deep denial. But when I was with him, I was happy. And didn’t I deserve to be happy for what little time together we had left?

Didn’t he deserve that, too?

“What the hell is going on over there, Jules?” Wes barked out.

“What do you mean?”

“I just got off the phone with Agent Curran. After we spoke the other night… I don’t know. There’s got to be more to all these creepy gifts you’re receiving, considering it’s been over five years since Nick went to prison. So I called him to share my concerns. Imagine my surprise when he informed me that not only has new information come to light, but you’re somehow involved in putting the pieces together! What the hell, Julia? Why didn’t you tell me? We don’t keep secrets from each other. Not anymore. Not after—”

“I’m sorry, Wes,” I uttered in an attempt to placate him and put him at ease.

It didn’t matter we were both in our forties. He’d always be the protective older brother who came to my defense when any of the kids at my new school made fun of me for being adopted. That didn’t go away with age.

“The last twenty-four hours have been a whirlwind,” I explained. “Hell, the last thirty-six hours have been crazy.”

A hand on my forearm tore my attention away from my brother and to the man in my bed.

“You okay?” Lachlan asked, concern filling his gaze.

“Hold on a sec, Wes,” I said, then put the phone on mute. “It's my brother. He spoke to Agent Curran this morning. It appears Nikko has already reached out to him. Agent Curran mentioned something to Wes, so it’s time to fill my brother in about all this shit.”

A lazy smile teased Lachlan’s lips as he attempted to pull me toward him. “You’re adorable when you swear.”

I laughed, wanting nothing more than to crawl under the covers with him and tune out the world around us. I loved when he was like this. Playful. Flirtatious. Uninhibited.

It was easier when he was like this.

It was those intense moments when he peered at me with heat and want that scared me. That made me question everything.

That made me want this to be real.

“Give me a few minutes.” Swatting Lachlan’s hand away, I slipped out of bed and grabbed my robe, tightening the sash around my waist. “Then I’ll come back and treat you to some more swear words.” I unmuted the call, bringing my cell back to my ear.

“I like the sound of that,” Lachlan stated as I disappeared out onto the lanai.

“Sorry about that,” I said to Wes as I lowered myself into the lounge chair, drawing in a comforting breath of the fragrant, Hawaiian air.

“Did I hear a man’s voice in the background?”

His question wasn’t accusatory. More curious than anything.

“I…” I stared ahead, an excuse on the tip of my tongue.

I could tell him I ran out to grab a coffee and it was just one of the other customers. But I didn’t see how I could tell Wes everything I’d learned about the jewelry without bringing up Lachlan.

As we learned last night, our lives were now irrevocably connected.

“Yes.” I straightened my spine, my voice even. “You did.”