“It’s official. I hate you. I mean, I’m happy for you, but I still hate you.” She directed her attention to Lachlan. “Do you have any brothers? Maybe a cousin? Hell, at this point, I’d settle for someone who doesn’t think my clit is a scratch-off card, rubbing the damn thing as if it’s about to reveal a prize.”

“Naomi!” I gasped, although I shouldn’t have been surprised. She was never one to keep her thoughts to herself, regardless of the subject matter.

“What? It’s true! It’s a bundle of nerves. Treat it with some love, for crying out loud.”

“On that note…” I turned toward Lachlan. “I should be going.”

He gave me a brilliant smile. “I’ll walk you out.” He grabbed my bag and, touching his hand to my lower back, led me out of the house and toward the street where my driver, Paul, waited, the back passenger door open.

“See you soon, Lachlan,” Naomi sang as she climbed into the car, giving us a few moments of privacy.

“Thanks again for breakfast. And dinner.” I lifted myself onto my toes. “And those eight orgasms.” I brushed a kiss against his neck, lingering for several moments. “Seven o’clock. Don’t be late.” Then I lowered myself back to my heels and started to climb into the car.

Unexpectedly, he grabbed my forearm, yanking my body against his, the motion stealing my breath. Before I could ask him what he was doing, his lips were on mine, tempting and teasing in one last, salacious kiss that left me hungry for more.

“Seven o’clock,” he growled. Then he spun, striding back up to the house, leaving my stomach fluttering and heart yearning.

“Oh. My. God,” Naomi all but squealed when I finally slid into the back seat. “That was… Well, I don’t think there’s a word in the English language to describe what that was.”

I laughed to myself. “You’re right about that.”

“So…” She nudged me with her elbow. “You worked it all out?”

I drew in a deep breath, attempting to collect my thoughts. I wasn’t even sure what to tell her about everything that transpired last night. It was so much to process. But I didn’t know how much I could tell her, considering a lot of what I learned now appeared to be part of an ongoing investigation. So, instead of disclosing every single detail, I went with the simplest explanation.

“Yes, we worked it all out. You were right. He had no idea who I was. It was all a coincidence.”

“Or kismet.”

With a smug grin, she crossed her arms in front of her chest and leaned back against the seat. Then she stole a glance my way.

“How about the status quo? Does that stay the same?”

“What do you mean?”

“Your arrangement. Do you still plan to walk away at the end of the week?”

I parted my lips, the myriad of reasons I had for walking away on the tip of my tongue.

But, for the first time, no words came.