
I rolled my suitcase toward the foyer and peeked out one of the windows, spying a black SUV waiting to take me to the airport. It was an ominous sight, a reminder that this really was the end. That I was supposed to board that plane and forget this past week ever happened.

But I never would.

I’d always remember Julia. Even if she wanted nothing more than to forget me.

“Your ride’s here,” she stated, voice catching.

Exhaling a long breath, I turned to face her. Thankfully I’d brought my things with me yesterday so I could leave straight from here, instead of wasting the preciously little time we had together this morning to head to my mum’s house to pack.

“Yeah.” I smiled sadly. “My charter leaves in about forty-five minutes, so I should probably get going.”

“At least you don’t have to worry about getting to the airport two hours before your flight like you do when flying commercial.” She pushed out a nervous laugh.

“Thank goodness for small miracles.”

I swept my gaze over her, unsure what to say. How to even begin to say goodbye. There was so much I wanted to tell her. How much I admired her. Cared for her. Appreciated her.

But instead of filling our last few seconds with words, I cupped her cheeks and pressed my lips to hers, hungry for one last taste of her.

The finality of this moment overtaking her, she flung her arms around my neck, kissing me with urgency, with need, with unrelenting desperation as we relished in what we’d become to each other.

It was hard to believe we’d first crossed paths merely a week ago. She’d fallen on the beach after stepping on a jellyfish. I wanted nothing to do with anyone or anything, content to wallow in my own anger and self-loathing.

Despite that, neither of us could fight the attraction from that first chance meeting. And every day afterward, I couldn’t shake the feeling there was a reason her path crossed mine.

Now I know with certainty what the reason was. To give me the answers I’d needed for years. To give me peace.

To give me understanding.

The sound of a ping cut through the exchange, most likely a text from my driver telling me he was out front.

I sighed, bringing our kiss to an end, although it was the last thing I wanted. I wanted to stay in this bubble with Julia. But that wasn’t our reality.

Julia placed her hands on my chest, keeping her eyes averted. “You need to go.”

“I do.”

I tightened my embrace, wishing I could keep her here forever. I hated the idea of letting her go. Of never feeling her body against mine again.

“Thank you,” I murmured against her head.

“For what? Letting you screw me all week?” She laughed nervously, as she always did whenever she felt anxious.

Just one of the many things I’d learned about her this week.

“No.” Grasping her chin, I forced her eyes to mine. “For teaching me how to forgive myself.” I rested my forehead against hers. “For that, I will never forget you, Julia.”

She choked out a sob, her body trembling as she fought against her tears. “I’ll never forget you, either, Lachlan.”

I covered her mouth with mine once more, our tongues tangling as we poured everything we felt into one last kiss.

One last heartbeat.

One last goodbye.

When my phone pinged again, I cursed the driver for bursting our bubble before I was ready. I doubted I’d ever truly be ready, though. Not after everything we’d shared this week.