And now, family.

“And second of all,” she continued, dropping her hand to her side, sarcastic expression falling, “you made the right decision, Jules.”

“I did?”

This certainly took me by surprise, especially considering all her pep talks about putting myself first.

“Yes. And Lachlan was smart enough to know you weren’t in the right place to make a decision, either. How could you decide what you truly wanted when you were in some strange, tropical paradise limbo? Hawaii’s Lachlan’s home. Not yours. You couldn’t make any sort of decision about him until you were here.” She waved her hand at my house. “You needed to come down from the clouds to decide if you wanted to fly again.” She pulled me in for one last hug. “And I really hope you decide to fly again.”

I closed my eyes, relishing in her embrace.

Being back here, surrounded by all the memories of my past and why things had to be the way they were, should have solidified my original position about why I couldn’t pursue anything with Lachlan.

But it didn’t.

It only served as a reminder of what was now missing from my life.

Maybe, in time, this feeling would go away.

But did I really want that?

I was no longer sure.