“‘Otherwise, you’ll end up staying in the same place your entire life,’” I finished, my heart warming at the memory of the woman who’d always offered me so much advice. Whose advice I still held dear, even though she’d been gone over twenty years now.

Wes smiled sweetly. “Do you really want to stay in the same place your entire life? Do you really want to stay in this place you’ve been since you met Nick? Or do you finally want to live again?”

I blinked, really taking my brother’s words to heart. I looked around his living room, gaze falling on the television once more, watching as Lachlan stepped up to the plate. It brought to mind the night he took me to his little league field in Hawaii. It was my first peek into who Lachlan Hale was underneath the uniform and panty-dropping smile.

He was a good person. Would do anything for somebody he loved.

Didn’t I deserve to be with someone like him? Maybe Wes was right. Maybe everything else truly didn’t matter. That I didn’t need to keep making decisions just to survive. Maybe it was time I finally lived again.

I jumped to my feet, my mind racing.

“What is it?” He scrambled up, concerned gaze tracing over me.

“I…” I shook my head, my thoughts a jumbled mess. Except for one. “Do you still have season tickets to the Hawks?”

A sly smile curved his lips. “Right on the first base line. Directly in his line of sight when on the mound.”

“I’m going to need one.”