
The sound of my cleats against concrete echoed in the corridor leading from the dugout to the locker room, my feet not carrying me nearly quickly enough.

I never wanted to be taken out of a game as badly as I did tonight. Normally, it was a good night if the pitching staff kept me in for seven innings. Tonight, I stayed in through the eighth. I had a good night. Hell, I had a bloody great night, throwing strikes left and right, as if the ball had a direct line straight into my catcher’s mitt.

As if I had a good luck charm.

In a way, I did.

I still couldn’t believe Julia was here. I almost expected to jolt awake and learn it was all a dream.

But for the first time since I’d said goodbye to her, I was wide awake.

I’d hoped she’d eventually figure out what she wanted and that it would be me. I didn’t expect her to figure it out so soon, especially considering she’d only been back in Atlanta for twelve hours.

I guess when you know, you know.

And I knew from the second I felt her skin on mine. It just took my brain a while to catch up to my heart.

Much like Julia.

At least I hoped that was why she was here.

I wasn’t going to assume anything yet. I also wasn’t going to let her walk out of this ballpark without talking to her.

Which was why I was a man on a mission, jogging through the maze of tunnels, a fluttering sensation in my stomach getting stronger the closer I grew to my destination. And it wasn’t the locker room, although I could certainly use a shower after pitching in the Atlanta heat and humidity.

But I didn’t want to waste a second.

Julia had already seen me at my absolute worst. Saw my darkness, yet still accepted me.

A little sweat wouldn’t faze her.

As I approached one of the security guards stationed outside a room marked “hospitality”, he stood, giving me a curt nod, obviously anticipating me.

In between innings, I’d grabbed the equipment manager and asked him to bring her here. If I hadn’t, it would have taken me forever to find her after the game. Sure, I could have jumped on top of the dugout, pulled her into my arms, kissed her right then and there. But I wasn’t sure where her head was. And everything I knew about Julia told me this was one conversation we needed to have in private.

Drawing in a deep breath, I did everything I could to steady my nerves. I hadn’t been this nervous in a while, even when pitching during the playoffs. That was only a game. And as much as I loved the game, I wanted this more.

Heart thrashing in my chest, I pushed the door open and stepped into the empty room.

Empty except for one person.

At the sound of my footsteps, Julia jumped up from her seat, her eyes immediately darting to mine.

I slowed to a stop mere feet away, chest heaving, stomach fluttering as I took in her appearance.

When I saw her in the stands, I didn’t think I’d ever seen anything so beautiful.

My own “Lady in White”, like Roy Hobbs had in The Natural.

But right now, as her green eyes lit up with a vitality I didn’t think possible, she was more than just beautiful.

She was breathtaking. Stunning. Inspiring.

As much as I wanted to wrap her in my arms and lose myself in her, I wouldn’t do that. Not until I was certain she wanted this. That she was ready to take a risk.

I’d already faced my fears, allowed myself to be vulnerable, laid myself bare.