“And what would one call a kiss that’s the antithesis of charity?”

He pondered for a beat, then dropped his hold on me. “To come up with the best word, we must first look at the definition of charity.”

“Seems like a good place to start.”

“Right. So charity…” He paced in front of me, as if lecturing a class. “What comes to mind when you hear the word charity?”

“Kindness,” I offered, playing the part of the dutiful student.

The dutiful student the professor gave private lessons to during office hours.

“Philanthropy,” I continued, offering him more suggestions. “Decency.”

He stopped in his tracks, facing me. “Decency.”

“Yes. In my opinion, being charitable is a decent and honorable way to live. It—”

Before I could utter another syllable, he stalked toward me and looped an arm around my waist, my body careening with his once more. He dug his free hand into my hair as his lips hovered a breath from mine.

“Then you should know this kiss will be so indecent, so immoral, so improper, you might consider it offensive,” he declared in a husky voice that made my insides coil and tighten.

“Is that right?” I breathed.

He nodded slowly. “Absolutely, Belle.”

“Well then…” I draped an arm over his shoulder, fingers curling into his hair as I hoisted myself onto my toes. “Offend me, Beast.”

A noise resembling a needy growl escaped his throat as he pressed his mouth firmly against mine. This time when he moved his lips, I parted for him, our tongues meeting, this first kiss after so long unexpected and scary.

Yet I got the feeling Chris could sense my trepidation, his gentle motions encouraging me as his tongue swiped against mine. When he groaned, something sparked inside of me. Something that had been dead for a long time. Too long.

At the heady sound, I tightened my hold on him, nails digging into his scalp as I returned his kiss with more intensity, more enthusiasm, more everything.

He pulled me harder against him, his hips swaying. The feel of his need for me lit me on fire, my nerve endings tingling with a lust more potent than the strongest liquor. When I released a tiny moan, he kissed me harder, more forceful, more biting, to the point I had to break away to catch my breath.

We stood there, panting, staring at each other, both of us wearing identical expressions. At least I assumed his expression mirrored my own since he wore a what was that look, but in a good way. Which was precisely what I was thinking. What was that? It wasn’t just a kiss. It was an explosion of pent-up need. A symphony of desire. A communion of lust.

“Okay,” I exhaled once I managed to get my breathing under control. “I stand corrected. That was most definitely not a charity kiss.”

“I told you it wouldn’t be. In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve been staring at your lips all night, wondering how they’d taste.”

I pinched them together, playfully batting my lashes. “And how do they taste?”

He brought a thumb up to them and leaned toward me. “Like beauty.” He kissed one corner of my mouth, eliciting a tiny whimper from me as my insides turned to mush. “And greed.” He kissed the other corner. “And sin.” He stole another kiss — full, yet brief. “You most definitely taste as I imagine that infamous apple in the Garden of Eden did. So decadent and satisfying, you’d gladly sin over and over just to experience that first bite again.” He nibbled on my bottom lip, tugging it.

“Holy shit,” I exhaled, the words leaving my mouth of their own volition. “You’d make an amazing phone sex operator. Wait.” I pulled back, narrowing my gaze. In a hushed whisper, I asked, “Do you know what that is? Or are you too young? Not that you’re too young to know about sex…” There was more of my word vomit. “But were sex lines still a thing when you were jerking off to centerfolds? Wait.” My eyes widened. “Were centerfolds even a thing for you? Or did you start jerking off to PornHub? Or maybe just find someone to talk dirty to on one of those dating apps?”

He threw his head back and barked out a laugh, the sound cutting through the still, early morning serenity. “I didn’t get my start jerking off to PornHub. I had quite the collection of sticky magazines stuffed underneath my mattress.”

“Phew.” I swiped at my forehead in mock relief. “I’m happy to know some rites of passage haven’t changed, even with technology.”

“Every young lad needs a physical spank bank.”

“It feels strange to agree, but I suppose you’re right.” I smiled up at him, then exhaled a long sigh, stepping out of his embrace. “On that note, I’ll say goodbye.” I nodded at the house behind me. “This is me.”

“Oh.” His expression fell slightly as he increased the space between us. “Right then.”

“Right then,” I repeated.