When we came to a set of narrow stairs, I moved in front of her, glancing back every few seconds to make sure she was okay on the winding staircase, despite her heels.

Judging by the look of awe on her face, they didn’t bother her. In fact, she seemed to enjoy every mysterious moment of this journey. Like I had the first time I’d learned of this place and had achieved a high enough celebrity status to be able to get a reservation at a moment’s notice. There were many things I hated about being a public figure. But there were also some amazing benefits, like getting a table at one of the most exclusive spots on all of Oahu in order to impress a ridiculously sophisticated, beautiful woman.

When we reached the bottom of the stairs, the soft sound of a saxophone playing jazz music met us. Everything was low lighting and dark wood, the ambience subdued, a complete one-eighty from the frenzied atmosphere in the pub.

“Is this a speakeasy?” Belle whispered as we stepped into the small room.

A well-stocked bar was the focal point, the shelves laden with top-shelf liquor, a man wearing a black vest mixing innovative cocktails you’d never find at a normal bar or pub. The rest of the room was filled with a handful of booths, each situated as to ensure complete privacy. Which was one of the reasons I wanted to bring Belle here tonight. Somewhere special, since it was her birthday. At the same time, I was in a bit of a predicament, considering I couldn’t take her anywhere someone would recognize me.

Granted, I wasn’t as easily recognizable as, say, George Clooney or the real Chris Hemsworth. But people knew me here. Knew my past. Knew the tragedy that seemed to follow me wherever I went. I didn’t want to bring any of that into our week together. It was just us. Just now. No past. No future. It was exactly what I needed to cope with all the memories being back on this island conjured.

“And if it is?”

Her eyes lit up. “I didn’t realize there were any in Hawaii. I mean, I know these secret bars have grown in popularity over the past few decades. I never thought to look for one in Hawaii. Thought it was all tiki bars and luaus.”

I placed my hand on the small of her back, leading her toward a woman standing right inside the quaint space that was once a storage room. “It’s a good thing you met me.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because I know this island’s best-kept secrets. I’ll spend the next week showing them to you.”

She lowered her voice to no louder than a whisper. “And I thought we were supposed to spend the next week enjoying some sinful, lust-filled, depraved fucking.”

Hearing those words come out of her mouth drove me wild, an involuntary growl falling from my throat. I pulled her toward me. I had a feeling tonight would be an exercise in extreme patience. Or perhaps extreme torture.

Probably both.

“Oh, we absolutely will, beautiful. But I quite enjoy your company, even when you’re fully clothed.”

“Is that right?”

“Of course. Gives me something to look forward to later on.” With a wink, I dropped my hold and approached the petite brunette waiting patiently.

“Mr. Hale?” she confirmed.

When I nodded, I saw a flicker of recognition flash in her eyes. As expected, she remained discreet and led us to a rounded booth in a secluded corner of the room. I helped Belle slide in on one side, then scooted in opposite her, moving to sit beside her.

Once we were situated, the hostess placed our menus in front of us. “Enjoy your evening.”

“I hope this is okay,” I offered once we were alone. “I wasn’t sure what you liked. I can assure you, this is one of the best places around. A hidden gem.”

“It smells and looks incredible.” With wide, excited eyes, she surveyed her surroundings, her expression akin to that scene in Willy Wonka when all the kids entered the room made up entirely of candy for the first time. “I was too nervous to eat this afternoon.”

“Nervous? Why?”

She pinned me with a knowing look. “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe because I propositioned someone thirteen years younger than me to have sex with me for the next week.”

I shrugged nonchalantly. “It’s only sex. Nothing to be nervous about.”

“You might receive indecent proposals on a regular basis, but I’m not exactly in the habit of making them. So this is new territory for me.”

“How long has it been?” Based on a few hints she’d dropped, I knew it had been a while.

“Since I’ve propositioned someone for sex?” She tapped a fingernail against her lips. “Well, before this afternoon…” Her nose scrunched up as she pretended to wrack her brain, her expression adorable. Then she returned her gaze to mine. “That would be never.”

I couldn’t help but laugh, the sound cutting through the quiet ambience. She was so playful. So entertaining. So…perfect. And what I admired most about her was that she didn’t pretend to be someone she wasn’t. I may not have known much about her, but I got the feeling what you saw was what you got. No filter. No charade. No deception.

“Cute, but that’s not what I’m talking about.” I placed my forearms on the table and leaned closer, dropping my voice to a low, seductive tone. “When was the last time you had sex?”