
“Isthis the part where I learn you’re secretly a serial killer or something?” Belle ran her hands down her skirt as I put my Range Rover into park at the end of a residential road, nothing in front of us except a jagged, rocky cliff and miles and miles of ocean. “Is that why you’ve driven me to the middle of nowhere? To have your way with me, then throw my body into the ocean?”

There was a lightness to her tone, but also a hint of trepidation. I grabbed her hand, hoping to reassure her with the gentleness of my lips against her smooth skin. “I promised I’d show you my Hawaii.” I nodded toward the darkness in front of us. “This is part of that. One of this island’s hidden gems.”

She drew in a breath. “I’m putting my trust in you. Don’t make me regret it.”


With a wink, I stepped out into the temperate evening, hurrying over to Belle’s side and opening the door. I offered her my hand, helping her down.

Placing a kiss on her forehead, I briefly dropped my hold and ducked into the back seat, grabbing both the duffel bag and the small cooler I’d packed earlier. Then I handed her a pair of flip-flops.

“You might want to put these on for now. Not sure how easy it would be to walk on those rocks with heels.”

With a smile, she took the flip-flops from me. “You obviously planned this.” Leaning against the car, she removed both heels, leaving them on the floorboard of the passenger seat.

“Of course. A lot of thought went into tonight.”

Once she slid her feet into the flip-flops, I locked the car, grabbed her hand, and led her toward the rocky overlook, the duffel bag slung over my shoulder, cooler in my free hand.

“Just when I think I have you figured out, you throw me another curveball.”

I chuckled to myself. Little did she know how well I was known for throwing curveballs in my career.

“If you think you have me figured out, you should reevaluate that, beautiful. Because I’ll let you in on a little secret.” Slowing my steps, I leaned toward her, lowering my voice. “I haven’t even figured myself out yet.”

She met my eyes, a thoughtful expression on her face. “Well, I’ll let you in on a little secret. Anyone who claims they have is only fooling you. And themself. I’m forty.” She paused, a small laugh escaping her throat. “It still feels strange admitting that.”

“Why?” I pressed, carefully leading her farther along the overlook, the moon lighting our way.


“But do you feel old?”

With a smile, she faced me, hoisting herself onto her toes and touching her lips to mine. “How can I when I’m spending my birthday with someone like you?” A flicker of vulnerability washed over her as she placed a hand on my chest, covering my heart. “You’ve made me feel beautiful tonight. I didn’t realize how much I needed that. How much I needed this.”

I covered her mouth with mine, my motions slow as I urged her lips to part, desperate for a taste of her after spending hours at that restaurant. There were so many times I wanted to kiss her, and not just the quick pecks I’d managed to steal. But something deeper, the drug my body craved whenever she was near.

Hell, even when she wasn’t.

My hand splayed on her lower back, I held her secure against me, savoring in the taste of her. Ginger. Basil. A touch of sweetness.

“I didn’t realize how much I needed this, either,” I admitted in a low voice.

I leaned my forehead against hers, breathing her in as she did the same.

Every morning of my childhood, my mum would press her head to mine like this, sharing the meaning of this gesture that was passed down through generations. She taught me that, by touching bone to bone, people connected on a deeper level.

Truthfully, I never felt that profound connection she claimed existed. Until now.

Clearing my throat, I pulled away. “Just a little farther.”


We walked on in silence. Every so often, Belle stumbled slightly. Sure, I could have brought her here during the day, but this place was too special not to come tonight, on such an important day for her.

When we approached the edge, I slowed to a stop, dropping both the duffel and cooler onto the ground. Unzipping the bag, I pulled out a large blanket and spread it out on the rocks, tossing a few pillows on top of it.