I braced myself for his kiss, but it never came. Instead, he retreated, leaving me a panting mess of desire. I paused, drawing in a breath to calm my racing heart enough to finish my current task. Then I glanced behind me to see him leaning against the counter by the dual ovens.

“Aren’t you going to help?”

“And miss out on the show?” He crossed his arms in front of his chest. “Not a chance in bloody hell, beautiful. Now, keep making that frosting.”

With a seductive smile, I faced forward again, refocusing my attention on mixing the frosting to the correct consistency. It was difficult to concentrate, considering I physically felt his smoldering gaze admiring every inch of my bare backside. Even if the frosting didn’t come out right, at least according to my standards, I doubted Chris would complain.

Once the frosting turned a bright white shade and had taken on a fluffier texture, I shut off the mixer and lifted the top, removing the bowl. Dipping a finger into it, I scooped out some of the frosting.

I met Chris’ stare from a few feet away. It could have been miles, the small space separating us too much.

With slow movements, I licked the frosting off my finger. His jaw tightened as I moaned in appreciation, which only made him clench his fists.

“Would you like a taste?” I asked in a sultry voice.

He nodded subtly.

I turned back to the bowl and scooped up a bit more frosting. Then I sauntered toward him, bringing my finger up to his mouth. He didn’t waste any time wrapping his lips around it, his tongue swirling and teasing. I whimpered, on the brink of losing what little control I had left.

And he knew it.

“What’s next?” he asked in a throaty voice once he’d licked every last bit of frosting off me.

I stared at him for several long seconds, my heart thrashing in my chest. Unable to resist the temptation any longer, I flung my arms around his neck, our bodies and mouths colliding in a smoldering kiss. The combination of sugar, alcohol, and him was a symphony of flavors on my tongue, one I’d do anything to taste again and again.

Chris skated a hand down my side, nothing but bare skin greeting him.

“Goddammit,” he groaned. “What are you doing to me?”

“Perhaps a more appropriate question to ask right now is what are you going to do to me?”

I stepped out of his hold. Summoning my courage, I reached behind me and tugged at the tie around my waist, then lifted the apron over my head and dropped it to the floor.

Chris blinked once. Twice.

Then his hand shot out and grabbed my ass, yanking me against him. With a growl, he hoisted me up, forcing my legs around his waist. His lips crashed against mine, our tongues tempting and teasing as he carried me away from the island.

When my back hit the wall by the wet bar, he tore his lips from mine. The scruff of his unshaven jaw scraped against my flesh as he moved from my mouth to my neck, bringing a hand to my breast. As he squeezed my nipple between his thumb and forefinger, I moaned, closing my eyes, a slave to his touch.

“You like that?”

“God yes.”

“I bet you’d like my teeth to do the same thing, wouldn’t you?”

I panted, too many incredible sensations running through me at once. My core ached with a need to feel him anywhere and everywhere at the same time.

“Yes,” I whimpered.

“That’s my girl.” His lips covered mine in another scintillating kiss. “Hold on tight.”

I did, wrapping my arms tighter around his neck. With his hands on my ass, he carried me from the living area, his steps quick as he practically ran up the stairs. An impressive feat, considering he was carrying me. Then again, compared to his imposing size, I was tiny.

“Bedroom?” he asked frantically when we reached the landing at the top of the stairs.

“Down the hallway.” I nodded in the direction. “Last door at the end.”

He grinned, heading toward the master bedroom.