
I staredinto the lighted mirror as Naomi checked the job the network’s hair and makeup woman had done. She smoothed a few of my flyaways into the bob-style curls. Couple that with the bright red lips, I felt like a pin-up version of Betty Crocker.

As Naomi reminded me when I’d voiced my distaste over the hair and makeup, I had an image to uphold, and this was it.

I missed the days when the only look I needed to worry about was the satisfaction on my customers’ faces as they took their first bite out of my latest creation. They didn’t care if my hair was a mess, my face didn’t have a single touch of makeup, and flour covered my t-shirt and leggings.

But that was before…

Before I made the mistake of thinking success equaled happiness.

Chris’ words from last night found their way to the forefront of my mind. How true happiness could only be found within myself. How others only helped that happiness shine, but they weren’t the source of the happiness. Only I was. Right now, his statement resonated with me on a deeper level. All because, for the first time since I could remember, I finally chose myself last night. Chose happiness instead of fear. And it felt good. Hell, it felt better than good.

It felt…addicting.

“Is that a smile I see?” Naomi remarked.

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts, flinging my eyes to hers. Then she leaned toward me, lowering her voice.

“Told you getting laid would work wonders for your mental health.”

“Naomi,” I hissed, shooting daggers at her before glancing toward the hair and makeup stylist lingering nearby. Her name was Margo… Mary… Something with an M. I was horrible at remembering names, which was why I needed Naomi. She was amazing with names and faces.

“What? I’ve been trying to get details out of you all morning, but you’ve been tightlipped.”

“I told you. We went out to dinner, then enjoyed a bottle of wine at an overlook.” I swallowed hard. “Then went back to my place. What do you need? A play-by-play?”

“Yes!” She grabbed a stool and dragged it in front of me. “Or, at the very least, a number.”


“Yeah.” She dropped her voice to a whisper. “Of orgasms. I may be wrong, but I have a feeling he didn’t stop at only one.”

My cheeks heated at the memory of last night. And this morning. I bit my lower lip, shaking my head. “He most certainly didn’t.” Although I nearly made him. Thank God I’d found my lady balls, as Naomi called them.

“That’s it. I officially hate you. I mean, I’m happy for you, because you deserve this, but multiples?” She sighed dreamily. “It’s every woman’s fantasy.” She stared into the distance for a beat before turning her attention back to me. “So… Number?”

I pinched my lips together as I recounted in my mind. One thing was certain. Chris had incredible stamina.


Naomi’s jaw dropped. “Seven? You’re shitting me.”

“I am not.”

She gaped at me for several moments, then shook her head. “God bless Australia.”

I giggled. “I said the same thing when I saw his dick for the first time.”

“So you’re happy with your decision? No regrets?”

I beamed. “None.”

“Good.” She squeezed my hand. “When are you seeing him again?”

“Tonight. We’ve agreed that Hawaii can have me from nine to five, but he gets me at night.”

She arched a brow. “And after you leave Hawaii?”