I adjusted my own tailored coat with my warm gloves. Though the sun was out, the air was chilly. Fall in Russia had a definite bite. "I wish there was something I could do to help." I'd edited Kovalev's sparse Wikipedia entry, adding "allegedly" everywhere and implementing a "Contributions to Charity" section.

How had the syndicate lived without me all this time?

Strangely, there was no mention of Aleksandr Sevastyan anywhere online. There was a prominent family in Russia with the same last name, but they were in legitimate commerce and even politics.

"You are helping." Filip chucked me under the chin. "You make the old man happy. Each day you two grow closer. It's obvious to everyone. Let the menfolk take care of this."

I stiffened, then realized he was kidding. He was the most modern-minded guy here, and he loved to yank my chain.

"You're ravishing when you're all feminine and piqued." He tilted his head. "You know, you'd be amazing blackmail bait. That'd be one way to join the family business, Cuz."

"Are you trying to distract me?"

With his angelic smile, he asked, "Is it working?" He reached forward to grasp my ponytail, twirling the end around his forefinger. Just when I was about to step away, he abruptly dropped his hand. He had a knack for sensing how far he could push with the flirting.

He'd been having to pull back more and more--because he was always flirting. At times Filip's behavior made me wonder if he was aware of those plighted rules. I could swear there was an almost desperate feel to his attentions--which didn't fit with, well, everything about him. "There's nothing you can tell me?"

"Hey, I just work on the books. Sevastyan doesn't allow me inside the inner circle."

"Me neither." We were outsiders looking in.

When Filip brushed his hand over his tired face, I noticed that his watch was gone. Like Paxan and Sevastyan, he'd had an expensive wristwatch, but I hadn't seen it in a couple of days. I narrowed my gaze. "Something's going on with you." I looked into those guileless gray eyes. Too guileless?

"Nothing's going on, Cuz."

"Then where's your watch?" I demanded before I could bite my tongue. Hadn't I decided to eighty-six the overanalyzing? The prejudgment of men? Yes, but, damn it, I'd been getting some strong gambler vibes off him. Was his car really still in the shop after two weeks?

He averted his gaze as he said, "Went swimming with it the other day."

"Let me guess. It's in the shop too?" No watch: pawned? No car: hocked?

Was my cousin a gambler in deep?

"In the shop. You got it."

I peered up at him. He didn't seem to be worried about it whatsoever, so I supposed I had enough on my plate without fretting over my cousin's foibles. "You'd let me know if I could do anything?"

"Of course. You're a good egg, Cuz. You know that, huh?"

The groom brought out our mounts then. I fell head over heels for my mare all over again. With her glossy gray coat and black stockings, Alizay was stunning. The posh tack just highlighted her lines. Though western riding was preferred in Nebraska, I'd taken English riding lessons, and was thankful for it now.

I gazed into her lustrous eyes, seeing my own adoring reflection. Okay, maybe I did like money, if only for the horses it could buy.

When the groom brought out a third mount, I asked Filip, "Are you expecting someone?" I frowned to see a rifle stowed in a saddle holster.

Filip scowled, muttering, "Bloody Siberian."

As if summoned, Sevastyan entered the stables, his towering body briefly shadowed as he strode into the aisle. He wore black riding pants of a modern cut and a sharp all-weather athletic jacket that he could just as easily have worn to play rugby.

Filip's style: Barneys high fashion. Sevastyan's? Bespoke--and moneyed.

His gloves and clothes covered any tattoos, but that slim scar down his lips and the hardness of his features belied any gentlemanly appearance.

As he approached, he moved like an athlete; I could see the powerful muscles in his legs flexing with each of his steps, reminding me of when his thighs had quaked around my ears as I'd swallowed him down. . . .

Focus, Natalie. "Are you going with us?" I asked him, flushing at how throaty my voice sounded.

Sevastyan told Filip, "Kovalev wants to see you."

"Just taking Natalie out for a ride," he said smoothly. "I'll catch him later this after--"


Filip's lips thinned. "Nat, let's go back to the house. We can come back for our ride when I'm done."

What if the weather didn't hold? I didn't bother hiding my disappointment.

Sevastyan said, "I'm taking her."

Why would he offer to be alone with me? Maybe he'd mastered his attraction to me, and was now in no danger of plighting. But why was he forgoing work? Had the difficulties been resolved?

Curiosity, my kryptonite, had me jonesing for answers.

The tension between the two men seethed. "You? Taking little sis out for a ride? How brotherly. But she's not interested." To me, Filip said, "Come, Natalie."

I stiffened, not liking his tone at all. Strange, since I'd loved when Sevastyan had ordered me around in bed. Or in a maid's closet.

Even after everything, I . . . missed the man. What harm could come from one little ride? I told Filip, "I've been waiting for this for two weeks."

When we crossed a babbling stream, Alizay gave a restless snort. Though I'd never ridden such a fine horse, I could tell she wasn't satisfied with this mild walk. I patted her neck. "This one's hungry for more." I bit the inside of my cheek; could that have sounded more suggestive? Wow, I might as well have pointed at my crotch as I said that.

"Then let's give her more." Sevastyan lightly swatted Alizay on the rump, sending her speeding forward.

He quickly caught up, and we galloped over what seemed like miles, the bracing air filling my lungs, invigorating me. I was unable to contain my laughter, and even Sevastyan's lips curled, almost a smile. Oh, yeah, if he ever did hit me with a real smile, I'd tumble off the back of this horse.

I caught myself wondering what it would be like if he were mine. In some mad moments, I could envision us together. It'd never be dull.

No, it'd be dark. And deep. I swallowed. In any case, the ball was no longer in my court. I couldn't have made it clearer to him how I felt, and he'd made no moves.