Page 123 of A Rip Through Time

I nod. “Does he seem like the same guy to you?”

“I’d hardly know. I haven’t seen him since I returned, but even that isn’t unusual. As Hugh said, he’s such a quiet lad. Hugh handpicked him from the constables shortly after Constable Findlay joined the force. He’d made little impression on the others, being so quiet, but Hugh saw promise in him. He always said the lad only needed a push and a dose of confidence.”

“Quiet and shy then.”

“Very. I know Hugh encouraged him to join the men for a pint after work and such, but it took effort to make him go. Keeps his own company, he does.”

“Yet he was courting Catriona?”

Isla sighs and shakes her head. “I discouraged it. However, Hugh was reluctant to intercede. He thought such a relationship could help them both, Catriona drawing young Findlay from his shell and the boy adding some stability and gravitas to Catriona’s life. I feared Catriona was taking advantage of Constable Findlay, but Hugh could not see how she could do so with a young man of very limited means and prospects.”

“Well, for a starter, she was selling the trinkets he gave her. Simon told me that. It’s also possible she was selling information she gleaned from him. Police information.”

She starts another, deeper sigh, and then stiffens. “But if you are suggesting that the killer is in Constable Findlay’s body, does that also not suggest the real Constable Findlay tried to murder her?”

“I suspect so.”

“Oh my.” She falls back in her seat, hand to her chest. “I-I cannot believe—”

She swallows and pulls herself straight again. “Allow me to rephrase that. Can I believe that Catriona would drive a young man to murder? Particularly one inexperienced in matters of the heart, betrayed and cast in the role of fool? Yes. I can. Which does not, obviously, relieve herattacker of blame. Murder is only justified in self-defense, where no lesser course is available. However, that would not keep me from feeling pity and even some responsibility if that is the solution to this mystery.”

“Whatever Catriona did to Findlay, it wouldn’t justify killing her. It is a motive, though, and it is tragic. We can acknowledge that without blaming Catriona. We can also acknowledge it without blaming you or Detective McCreadie. Neither of you foresawthat.If thisisthe solution, which I still need to prove, I’ll get the evidence and find a way to present it to him.”

“Good. Will you search young Findlay’s apartment tomorrow?”

“If I can get his address.”

“We’ll do that right now. I’ll tell Duncan that I wish to send him a basket, in appreciation for all he is doing for the immigrants of Edinburgh.” She rises. “Then we will search his apartment on the morrow.”