Page 125 of A Rip Through Time

I have to stop myself from blinking at him.

Really, Gray? Really? For the past week, every time I hear your damn footsteps, my heart skips, hoping you’re finally coming to discuss the case. And you want to do it now? When I need to leave—quickly—before I lose my chance to search Findlay’s apartment?

“I would like to apologize,” he continues. “Not for my mistrust. That you have earned, even if it is a past version of you who earned it, but I am attempting to move past my prejudice.”

“Thank you, sir. But—”

“I am apologizing for not properly recognizing your contributions to the case. Earlier, Hugh and I excised you from the conversation, and it is not the first time we have done so. That is inexcusable. You have proven yourself, again and again, and I continue to treat you like a housemaid rather than an assistant. That ends now. I will speak to Hugh about it. You are an integral part of this investigation.”

Once again, he’s saying exactly the words I’ve longed to hear… right when I can least afford to hear them.

“I apprec—” I begin.

“If we are to work this case as a team,” he continues, missing my interjection, “then we must behave as a team. I wish to be more open with you, Catriona. To include you, and not leave you feeling as if you must sneak off and investigate on your own. I understand why you did that.I want you to know it isn’t necessary. If you have theories you wish to pursue, tell me, and I will not brush you off as I did this morning. We shall investigate them together.”

I open my mouth. Nothing comes out. He is apologizing for excluding me. For withholding information. For not sharing theories with me.

And what am I doing? Excluding him. Withholding information. Not sharing a theory with him—a vital theory that changes the entire investigation.

I have something to tell you, Dr. Gray.

Isla is wrong. I understand that she doesn’t want to distract Gray from his paper. She fears my truth will be too much for him right now. I disagree. He needs to hear it. He needs to hear all of it. He has opened a door for me, and I cannot slam it shut on him.

My mouth opens again. And again, I shut it, because here I face that ugliest of quandaries. Isla trusts me. She has reached out in friendship. I am about to throw over a new female friend for a guy.

It’s not likethat.

No? Am I sure? Didn’t I just admit that I find Gray attractive? How much of me wanting to tell him the truththis very momentis because it’s important for the case… and how much is so he won’t be angry with me when he finds out?

Am I valuing my relationship with Gray more than my relationship with Isla? I hope to hell not, but I won’t take that chance. There is no reason to tell him the truth about myself this very moment. I’ll speak to Isla in the morning. I’ll be firm, and if I can’t convince her, then at least I won’t have betrayed her trust. She’ll know that I intend to tell him.

“That is what you wish, is it not, Catriona?” Gray says, cake halfway to his lips, brows knit in concern. “Have I mistaken your interest in the case?”

“Not at all. I am glad to hear you intend to include me more. Thank you.”

“It is only what you deserve, Catriona. We must be open with one another if we are to work together, in my laboratory or on this case.”

I nod and take a bite of my cake, feeling it crumble like ashes in my mouth.

Stop that. You’ll resolve this. It’ll be fine.

“Now,” he says. “Do you have time to discuss the case?”

I feign a yawn. “I wish I did, sir, but…”

“It has been a very long day. I understand. Tomorrow then?”

“Yes.” I look up at him. “I would very much like to talk to you tomorrow. I have a theory that I think you need to hear.”

“Excellent. I shall look forward to hearing it on the morrow.”