Page 146 of A Rip Through Time

McCreadie slaps his thighs. “All right then. I have a feeling this evening is about to get even more interesting.”

“You might say that,” Gray murmurs.

“Yep,” I say. “And while you told me not to fetch tea, I think I’m going to grab that bottle of whisky from your desk, Dr. Gray. I have a feeling Detective McCreadie is going to need it.”

“Whatbottle of whisky in my desk?” Gray says, his eyes narrowing. “You have not been cleaning my office, have you?”

“Perish the thought. Isla and I have just been tippling from your bottle.”

McCreadie snorts a surprised laugh, and I head out to get the scotch. As I leave the room, I let out a breath, feeling some of the tension seep from my shoulders.

I haven’t fixed things with Gray. Not by a long shot. But I will. I’ll mend the damage with Gray, and I’ll find a way home. Until then, I have found a place here, one I think I’m going to enjoy very much.

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