Page 41 of A Rip Through Time

“Something is happening at the funerary parlor,” she says. “There is a cart in the mews, and I heard Detective McCreadie’s voice. There is also a coach in the front.”

I bolt upright. Another murder? If so, Gray might need my help. Or so I hope, because unlike former clerk James, I’d happily hold a body while Gray hacked into it, especially if the alternative is scrubbing fireplaces.

I take my coffee and follow Alice up the two flights of stairs to thedrawing room. As soon as I step into the room, I pause and look down at the cup. Am I allowed to bring it in here? I glance at Alice, but she’s already plastered to the window.

I glance out. There is indeed a commotion in the funeral parlor. Voices sound from downstairs, and there’s a carriage pulled up in front. It’s fancy but shows signs of wear. I’m squinting at it when another door slams, and we both jump. I bump into Alice, and in my fear of dumping my coffee on her, I overcompensate and end up on my knees, cup held aloft like a touchdown football.

Alice claps. “You ought to be an acrobat.”

I almost joke that I’m too old for that when I remember that I’m not. Or, at least, my body isn’t.

This body may be younger, but it often feels like driving a clunky rental. Catriona’s strength isn’t the kind I’m accustomed to. Legs that are used to standing all day, yet balk at moving faster than a walk. Arms that can hoist a full water bucket, yet ache after an hour wielding a pen. And don’t even get me started on my core. Remove the corset, and I can barely manage a proper sit-up.

I keep thinking I need to incorporate body-strength exercises into my pre-bed routine, which reminds me of the days when I’d plan a five-mile run after work, only to drop from exhaustion the moment I came through the door. The mind is willing. The body says, “Screw that.”

I’m rising from the floor when Gray’s voice rings out. “Catriona? Catriona? Where the devil is that girl?”

“In here, sir!” Alice calls before I can.

He thunders into the room, gaze sweeping over us, only to land on the cup in my hand.

“I was on break,” I say quickly. “I heard a commotion and came to see what it was. I did not mean to bring a hot drink into the drawing room.”

“I only wondered why you are cradling that cup as if it is a newborn kitten. Finish it or bring it along. They came for young Evans’s body just as I discovered something of interest.”

I’m about to ask for more when the front door opens with a flurry of voices and activity, a woman telling someone to set her bags over there.

Gray’s eyes widen in alarm, and he curses under his breath. Then he strides off toward the stairs.

“Isla,” he calls as he descends. “I thought you returned this evening. Please do not tell me I forgot to pick you up at the station.”

A woman’s voice answers with a warm lilt. “No, Duncan, you did not forget. You have done so often enough in the past that I learned to arrange my own transportation home. However, if you feel terribly guilty, you may pay the driver for me.”

Aslap-slap,as if Gray’s patting his pockets.

The woman sighs dramatically. “Or I shall pay and you, little brother, may owe me. Now let me give you a hug.” A moment’s pause, as if they are embracing, “And now you may run back to whatever has currently seized your attention.Lovely to see you, Isla. Did you have a good trip? Yes, yes, we shall chat later, dear sister.”

I peek down the stairwell. I can see a woman’s pale hand patting Gray’s arm and then turning him around and giving him a light push toward the stairs.

“I do not mean to run,” Gray says. “It is only—”

“Something dreadfully important. I can see that. Off you go.”

As Gray steps away, Isla Ballantyne appears. Like her brother, she’s tall and sturdily built, but the resemblance ends there. She has an artfully woven crown of copper hair with curls trailing down. Milk-white skin with freckles. Bright blue eyes.

A handsome woman. That never seems like a compliment, but I mean it as one. “Pretty” implies a fleeting attractiveness. Catriona is very pretty, and I have no idea how much of that is true beauty and how much is simply youth. At sixteen, Isla Ballantyne would not have been the most attractive girl on the dance floor, but I have no doubt she will be at sixty.

Isla wears a gorgeous dress, dove-gray wool and dusky blue silk. The fitted bodice dips deeper on the waist than mine and it’s trimmed with enough bows to thrill a five-year-old, but they’re all discreet decorations that only enhance the dress. Her skirt is much wider than mine and perfectly belled, like the fashionably dressed women I saw in the New Town. Does that needmorepetticoats? I think I’ll stick to my less fashionable attire.

Gray murmurs a few words before Isla pats his arm again and shoos him off. Then he nearly swings right past me down the hall before stopping so abruptly his shoes squeak.

“I have need of you,” he says. “Accompany me.”

“You have need ofCatriona?” Isla says, pulling off silk gloves after she’s paid the driver.

“Yes, she is assisting me in my work. I lost James.”

Another dramatic sigh from Isla. “I do hope you don’t mean that literally, Duncan.”