My lungs burn and my legs ache, but I don’t let any of the pain in my body stop me from running through the streets toward Jesse and Sara’s flat.

The gunfire that was so dangerously close behind me when I first emerged from that alleyway has all but faded, but I have no chance of forgetting the rioting that’s happening around me.

The air smells like destruction and death, and the sky is still glowing orange from the flames engulfing the estate.

Archer was convinced they would leave this part of town until last, that they’d hit the rest of their businesses first. But it seems their intel was fucked, because as I run, all I can hear is the fear in Jodie’s voice.

I’m coming, baby. And I’ll run through the flames of hell to make sure you’re safe.

My body is on the verge of giving up on me as I round the corner and my eyes collide with the worst sight I’ve ever been forced to witness in my entire life.

The bookies’ is totally ablaze, the flames flickering higher than the building. The windows of the flat above have been blown out, the entire place a fucking inferno.

“NO,” I scream, surging forward as I dig up a reserve stock of energy from somewhere. “JODIE,” I bellow, hoping like fuck that they’ve managed to get out. That by some miracle they found a fucking way to escape.

“JODIE,” I scream once more, not giving a fuck if it turns any of our enemies on me. If she’s in that building, then they might as well just gun me down right here.

I’m vaguely aware of a car pulling to a screeching halt behind me, but I don’t look back. I’m too busy trying to figure out a way to get into that building.

“Toby,” someone shouts, and familiarity rushes through me. “Toby, don’t you fucking dare even try it.”

A small hand wraps around my upper arm, but I don’t let it stop me, ripping myself free of the grip and charging forward.

The crumbling and creaking of the building giving in the heat of the flames engulfing it assault my ears, but I refuse to acknowledge what that means. Because it can’t happen. I can’t lose her. Not now, and not like this.

“Toby, please, stop.” Finally, the voice registers, and I spin around, finding my sister staring back at me with tears cascading down her cheeks. “Please don’t try to go in there.”

“She’s in there, Stel. I can’t leave her to—”

There’s a loud bang, and the entire side of the building collapses right before our eyes.

“JODIE,” I bellow.

“No, Toby. No, please,” Stella screams, her nails digging into my arm through my ripped shirt, but it’s not enough to stop me. I take off running, using the massive hole in the side of the building to enter the inferno.

Tugging my tie off, I rip my shirt open and pull the fabric over my face as I try to find a way to get to the top floor. But it’s not necessary. The entire flat has fallen through into the shop.

A whimper hits my ears, and I search frantically for where it might have come from.

“Jodie? Make another noise, baby. I’m right here,” I try to shout as the smoke billows from the burning embers of what once used to be the betting shop.

The weak sound hits my ears again, and finally, I catch sight of a person beneath all the dust and rubble.

“Baby,” I breathe, forgetting about covering my face and rushing toward her.

“Toby,” she whimpers, and my heart shatters, my eyes burning from the smoke and the strength of the emotion that washes through me as I start pulling the rubble off her. Everything I touch burns my hands, but I don’t care. I just need her safe. I just need her in my arms.

Time seems to stand still as I fight to dig her out and the fire continues around us. The heat of the flames burns my skin, but it’s a small price to pay if I can get her safe.

Sirens hit my ears, and I fucking pray to anyone who will listen that they’re coming here first. The entire fucking estate is on fire, but please, for the love of all that’s holy, come here first. Come and get my girl.

“I’m going to get you out of here, baby. I fucking promise you,” I tell her as I lift the final bit of plasterboard from her legs and sweep her into my arms.

Just as I pull her from the floor, part of the wall that she was sitting against crumbles and my heart jumps into my throat, knowing that it would have landed on her.

“Sara,” she breathes. “You need to get Sara,” she whispers, her voice raspy and weak, her body limp in my arms as I navigate through the rubble to get us out as flashing blue and red lights begin to replace the glowing orange filling the street.