“They’re not going to just roll over and toe the line.”

“They’re going to need to be taken out?” Alex finishes for him.

“We’ve got a couple of moles within their ranks. They’re keeping us informed with what’s going on.”

“And what is going on?” Theo asks, ignoring the beer hanging between his knees, his eyes fixed firmly on Archer.

“Just keep your phones on. We’re going to need your backup again pretty soon.”

“That’s it?” Theo scoffs. “That’s all you’re going to give us?”

“If I fucking knew the time and date then I’d fucking share, Cirillo. You think calling you all in to help is what we fucking want?” Archer snaps, his body pulled tight with tension.

“You think we want to be here?” Nico counters.

Over the years, there’s been plenty of bad blood between us. It was no secret that Damien and Archer’s old man didn’t see eye to eye on how our part of the city should be run. I can only assume he was the start of the Wolves/Reapers alliance. Things only got worse when Luis took over. That cunt was as corrupt and twisted as they come. But it seems that Damien is willing to put the bad blood behind him in the hope of a more united future with Archer at the helm over here and Cruz leading the Reapers. It could be a powerful time for all three of us. If we’re able to work together.

Archer tells us what he does know from his moles who are living within his OG members and trying to foil their takeover plans.

When Galen first started talking about this coup, I assumed we were talking about a handful of hardcore Luis supporters who were going after Archer’s new leadership of the Wolves, but the more he talks, the more it seems to be becoming more hostile than that.

This is serious, and if Archer isn’t careful, the estate he loves so much could end up burned to the ground.