“Who’s getting their dick wet?” Alex asks, stopping at the end of the bench, ready to leave.

“Me and you tonight. You up for it?” Nico asks.

“Nah, man. Not tonight. I’m busy and shit.”

“Too busy and shit for pussy?” Nico asks like he’s never heard anything so ludicrous in his life.

Alex shrugs, tugs his bag higher on his shoulder and stalks off.

“What’s up with him?” Nico mutters, shoving his feet into his trainers.

“No idea. Any clue as to why he’s not moved in yet? Wasn’t his flat finished weeks ago?”

“There’s an issue with the flooring or something. Smells like bullshit though, if you ask me. You reckon his dad’s got a new woman who prefers the younger model?” Nico asks, wiggling his brows in amusement.

“Nah, I doubt Alex would be up for his dad’s sloppy seconds.”

“Crazier shit has happened, bro.”

I grunt. “You don’t need to tell me that. Come on, or Stella will leave us behind,” I say, throwing my bag over my shoulder and heading for the exit.

“You sure you don’t want some company? We’re both spending the night working too,” Stella offers as we step out of the lift on our floor.

“I’m sure. I’d be miserable company anyway.”

“Toby,” she sighs, “I’d rather put up with your grumpy ass knowing that you’re not lonely.”

“I’m fine, honestly.” Total fucking lie. “I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?” I say when she and Seb come to a stop by their front door.

When I turn toward her, conflict wars on her features.

“Seriously, Stel. I’m good. You don’t need to worry about me.”

“Seriously?” she asks. “I might not be your biggest fan right now, but you’re my brother, Toby. I don’t like the idea of you being alone and miserable.”

I smile at her, more than grateful for her support. “Have a good night, yeah?”

She watches me walk to my own door. I don’t look back to confirm it—I don’t need to. I feel her concerned stare burning into my back.

She’s probably got every right to be. Hell, I’m concerned about what I’m going to attempt to do tonight.

I dump my bag in the kitchen, ready to wash later, and take myself through to the bathroom, more than ready to have a proper shower and wash off the lingering effects of last night and what mud still clings to my skin from practice.

I might not be heading out on official business, but feeling like I should probably look like I’m serious, I pull my suit on. And when I finally step back out of my front door, checking to make sure I’m not going to be caught sneaking past Stella’s place, anyone would think I’d been called into work.

Nostalgia hits me as I pull up on the street outside Jodie’s house. I spent so much time sitting out here, watching her unnoticed over the past few weeks that it almost feels like home.

Pulling my phone from my pocket, I check the tracking app Theo insisted we all install a few years ago, and I wait for it to load her phone.

I downloaded the app on her phone when we were away in Evan’s cabin. I didn’t have time to install something a little more discreet; I just have to hope she’s not OCD with her apps and notice the extra amongst the pages and pages she has on there.

I breathe a sigh of relief when it finally loads and shows that she’s still at her friend’s place in Lovell. She might be in the middle of an imminent war zone, but Jesse is one of Archer’s best guys, and if he believes his girl is safe, then I know Jodie is too. I’ve seen the pair of them together more than once since they returned from Australia, and the way he looks at her, even from the distance I was watching them from, he’s so fucking smitten. It’s the same look Seb and Theo give their girls when they think we’re not looking. Totally whipped and not even close to giving a single fuck about it.

Lucky cunts.

Not so long ago, I thought the only thing I wanted was to see Jonas on his knees with his heart ripped out of his chest. But now, that need has been replaced by just having a chance to get close to the girl who’s worked her way so deep under my skin that I’m sure I’ll never get her out.

I drop my head back as I allow thoughts of that motherfucker to fill my head. I should have ended him after Wednesday night. I should have gone down there after Jodie ran and put a bullet through his head. It’s what I promised Mum I would do—not in so many words—but I didn’t. And he’s still down there.