I guess I should really just be grateful that he never treated us like he did Maria and Toby.

“I know. I will,” I promise.

* * *

“Morning,”I say more than a few hours later when Jesse comes strolling into the kitchen in a pair of sweats with his hand shoved down the front.

I can’t help but shake my head as he grunts at me in greeting.

Even after all this time, it still amazes me that he was the one who stole my sweet, sweet Sara’s heart.

His ink distorts and pulls as he moves toward the coffee machine and finally pulls his hand free. And it’s when he turns his back on me that I come face to face with the evidence I missed all this time.

Across his back is a huge wolf tattoo.

I guess if I’d seen him shirtless before slotting myself into the middle of his life, then the whole Wolves thing might not have been such a shock.

“Would you be surprised if I were to tell you that there were reports of a suspicious-looking custom BMW sitting out in the street last night?”

My heart jumps into my throat at the possibility of him knowing where I am, let alone him being close.


He turns to me, resting his arse back against the counter, gifting me with an unobstructed view of his abs. Damn, Sara is one lucky bitch.

His lips part, but I can already hear the exact words that are about to fall from him.

“I know. I know I need to talk to everyone, including him. Sara’s already lectured me about it this morning.”

His brow quirks at my tirade.“I was actually going to say that he doesn’t deserve you. But that he’s putting on a good show to try and prove us all wrong.”

“By sitting out the front of your house in the middle of the night? Hardly proves anything,” I scoff.

He nods, turning back toward his full mug, hiding his face from me. Something tells me his smirk only got wider. Wanker.

“What am I missing, Jesse?”

“Not much. Just that he was talking to Arch about you.”

My brow wrinkles. “Why the hell would he do that?”

“They were at the Den on Monday night.”

“And you’re only just telling me this now?”

His lips twitch in amusement. “Oh I’m sorry, I thought you were hiding from him, not secretly stalking him.”

“You’re funny,” I hiss. “How’d he know I’m here, anyway?” I ask, giving him the stink eye.

“Do not give me that look, Walker,” he growls. I’m sure the tone would terrify many, but I’ve only ever seen Jesse the teddy bear around Sara, so I find it hard to even believe he could be a brutal gangster when he wants to be. I always just assumed he looked the part; I never believed he could play the part too. “I value my balls too much to risk outing you like that. Sara might look like a sweet little woman, but I can assure you, my girl has claws.”

“Is that right?” the lady in question asks, sauntering into the room with an empty mug, her eyes locked on Jesse's half-naked body.

“You know it, Care Bear,” he teases, eye fucking her back just as hard.

“How does he know I’m here, Jesse?” I ask before they completely forget I’m in the room.

“Fuck knows. He’s Cirillo. They’re ruthless fuckers. Probably tracked you.”