“Fuck,” I breathe, slumping down in my seat and tipping my head back the moment she’s out of sight. “FUCK.” I slam my palms down on the wheel, desperately trying to defuse some of the pent-up frustration.

I have no idea how long I sit there for, but it’s long enough for Jesse to finally emerge from the flat, having looked out of the window multiple times to see if I’m still sitting out here.

Rolling my window down, I wait for him to say whatever it is he’s come to say.

“You look like a pussy, sitting out here pining after her, you know that, right?”

“Like you’d do anything differently if your girl had shut you out.”

“Big difference there,” he points out smugly. “I wouldn’t have fucked my girl over quite so badly to even have to consider dropping to my knees and begging for forgiveness.”

“Whatever. If you don’t have any decent advice then…” I pull the button for the window and it starts to lift.

“You need to do something bigger than sitting out here like a grade-A stalker. You want her, prove it to her. You’re sorry, prove it. You care, prove it.”

“How? She won’t talk to me.”

“You’re going to need to think outside the box here. And no, I don’t mean send her flowers daily or some sappy shit like that. Show her who you really are. That you really want her in your life.”

“Oh, so not much then,” I mutter.

“Is she worth it?”


“Then I suggest you fuck off and go and figure out how you’re going to do the unthinkable and get her back.”

He taps the hood of the car and turns to walk away.

“Wait,” I call. “How is she… really?”

“Sad. Angry. Lonely. It’s like… she’s in our flat, but she’s not really there. I hope you know what you’re doing, letting her start at Foxes tomorrow night,” he warns. “That place can be—”

“I know,” I confirm, more than aware of its reputation.“Archer’s promised me he’ll have guys watching her.” Jesse’s eyebrow quirks up.“And I’ll be right outside.”

“She’ll be pissed when she finds out.”

“I need her safe. Do you have any other suggestion than fucking up her second job in only a few weeks?”

“No, not really. I just know that there’s no way in hell I’d let those scumbags look at Sara the way they do to the girls in that place.”

“I need to let her do what she needs to do. And if some of those scumbags end up with an eye or a finger or two missing then…” I shrug.

“Go home, Toby. Get some sleep and figure out what the fuck you’re going to do.”

“Thank you,” I call when he manages to get a little farther away this time. He looks over his shoulder in question. “For looking after her.”

He nods once in acceptance before continuing toward wherever he’s going.

Pulling my phone from my pocket, I shoot off a message before taking some of Jesse’s advice and heading home.

Only, I don’t spend long in my flat, just enough time to change into some sweats and a t-shirt and head down to our gym in the basement, where I know a couple of people are waiting for me.

“So, you decided it was about time to finally have your arse handed to you then, Doukas,” Emmie says with a smirk on her face as she straps a pair of sickly-sweet pink gloves to her hands.

“I could have you tapping out with my eyes closed, Mrs. Cirillo,” I taunt back.

“Yeah, yeah. How about you actually put your money where your mouth is, Bro. You obviously came here looking for a challenge or you’d have called the boys in.”