I have the most surreal two hours of my life as Stella and I sit and watch as two women who seem to have much more in common than I ever would have predicted get to know each other.

The initial awkwardness evaporated as they focused on the good aspects of their lives instead of the elephant in the room, which is the man who’s connected them in the most unique of ways.

I start to think that Stella and Maria have plans to stay for the rest of the day when Stella’s phone rings.

“Yeah?” she says to whoever is on the other end, her eyes lighting up as they hold mine.

Relief floods me.

They’ve found him.

“Okay, yeah. We’ll head back now.” She falls silent as a deep voice rumbles down the line. “Yeah, with Jodie and her mum. Yeah. Okay. Love you too.”

I can’t help the sappy smile that’s playing on my lips as she hangs up.

“Nico and Alex have him. They’re taking him home,” Stella says, pushing from her chair and grabbing her bag from the floor. “You ready?” Her eyes hold mine, leaving not an inch of room for me to argue.

I still try though.

“I’m not sure that—”

“Get your shoes, Jodie. Whatever is going on, he needs you. And something tells me you want to be there for him.”

I rip my eyes from hers, to Maria’s hopeful ones, and then my mum’s supportive ones.

“Yeah,” I say, standing. “I do. Give me two minutes.”

I rush from the room and up the stairs to grab what I need.

The three of them have barely made it to the hallway when I race back down.

“Ready?” Stella asks.


“Good. Let’s go deliver you to your boy.”