He rocks his hips gently, his cock stroking all the right places deep inside me, and a moan falls from my lips.

“Toby,” I groan, wrapping my hand around the back of his neck and dragging his lips down to mine. Ignoring my morning breath, I push my tongue into his mouth, searching out his own as he continues to rock into me with the most teasing of movements.

I lose sense of everything as we move together. It’s a whole new level of intensity, which is saying a lot after everything we’ve been through.

Each roll of his hips and stroke of his tongue builds me higher and higher until I’m riding right on the edge of my release.

Just before I fall into oblivion, there’s a bang somewhere outside the room, making Toby tense before a female voice shouts.

“Yo, big bro. You shown Jodie what you’re really made of yet?”

“Motherfucker,” he grunts into our kiss a beat before ripping his lips from mine. “Fuck off, Stel. We’re busy.”

“Sorry, Bro. I got plans that involve your girl. I can totally wait though. Take your time, enjoy yourselves.”

“Oh my God,” I hiss. “Is she for real?”

“Unfortunately, yes. I think in her weird sisterly way, she’s just glad I’m getting laid,” he deadpans.

“Toby,” I gasp. “We can’t have sex while your sister is out there.”

“Oh, Demon, I’ve still got so many things to tell you about my life and the crazy shit we’ve experienced. Trust me, this is nothing.”

He thrusts into me with a little more force than previously, but any pain I first felt when we started is long gone now, replaced with nothing but pleasure.

“Oh God,” I moan, my nails clawing at his back.

“Louder,” he demands, pistoning his hips.

“This is fucked up,” I cry, clinging onto him as he really goes to town.

“Welcome to my world, baby.”

He sits up and drops his hand between us, circling my clit with a dizzying pressure that sends me flying off the cliff and screaming out his name only three thrusts later. His fingertips dig into my hips as his final few movements turn brutal before he spills himself inside me with a loud growl.

“Fuck yes,” he grunts, folding himself over me and claiming my lips once more.

“You’re welcome, Jodie,” Stella calls from somewhere in the flat.

“Fucking hell, this is mortifying.”

“Imagine walking in to find one of your best friends knuckles deep in your sister with the rest of your mates watching.”

“No,” I breathe, unable to believe his confession.

“She’s got a lot more torture coming her way for the shit I’ve had to put up with since she and Seb got together. Be warned.” His eyes sparkle with amusement, which makes my insides sing. He looks so fucking happy, and after the horrors he’s been forced to live through, I can’t help but be relieved for him.

“I don’t like the look in your eyes right now, Tobias,” I warn.

“I think you’re going to love it, Demon.” He finally pulls out of me and pushes himself from the bed, immediately leaving me feeling cold and lost without him. Although, I must admit, watching him walk naked across the room almost makes up for it.

I lie there with my muscles twitching from the intense release, listening to him in the bathroom and wondering what the hell his sister has planned for me.

I sit up when he finally emerges, drinking in every bare inch of him.

“Keep looking at me like that and she’ll be forced to listen to another round.”

“And you say I’m the demon,” I quip as he pulls a pair of clean boxers up his legs.