I sigh heavily, more than aware that I’m going to be on the receiving end of this shit for years.

“Completely different situation.”

“Hey, I’m just glad it’s not my fucking sister,” Nico barks, his focus still mostly on the screen. “Cos I’d really fucking hate to kill any of you motherfuckers for touching her.”

I swear to fucking shit, Daemon actually tenses opposite him, but it’s quickly forgotten when Alex happily announces, “She’s fucking banging hot these days though, man. You could hardly blame us.”

The controller in Nico’s hand goes flying across the room, colliding with Alex’s temple only a few seconds later.

“What the fuck did you just say, Deimos?”

“You fucking heard me. And if it makes it any better, I’ll totally let you molest my sibling.”

“Fuck you,” Daemon spits.

I watch the two of them closely, more than ready to jump in if this starts escalating.

“I ain’t having his filthy hands all over me.”

“You’d love it and you know it,” Nico taunts.

“A little too much cock and muscle for me, but thanks for the offer, man. If I’m ever that desperate, I’ll be sure to let you know.”