He laughs. “I’m going to need you to keep that a secret, okay?”

I nod at him. “Okay,” I choke out.

Together we open both of the phones, activate the sims and exchange numbers.

“You okay with me giving this to Stella, yeah?”

“Of course.”

“Good. She’s freaking the fuck out. She punched Theo,” he says with pride.

“She punched him? Like… properly punched him?”

“Yeah. He’s got a black eye.”

I can’t help but laugh. “Any chance of a photo of that?” I ask before I think better of it.

He chuckles at my request, and I sense that he knows that I’m not really being serious.

I’m not sure I’d be able to cope with seeing a photo of him right now.

“I should go,” he says when another cramp hits me, making me curl up in pain. “I’m sorry for scaring you, I just didn’t think I’d be welcomed in if I knocked on the front door.”

“You probably assumed correctly. Dad and Cruz have already covered themselves in blood once today, I’m sure they don’t need to wash any more off.”

Seb pales.


I shrug. “I didn’t ask, and they didn’t seem like they were willing to share.”

“Nah, they wouldn’t have hurt him. He’s a kid,” he says, almost as if he’s trying to convince himself.

“He’s my husband. I think our ages have been long forgotten in all this. Dad’s out for blood, I’m not sure he cares whose at this point.”

“Jesus, this is a mess.”

“Aren’t families great,” I deadpan.

“I am glad you’ve become a part of mine, though. And if your dad and Cruz haven’t kicked Theo’s arse for this, I’m more than willing to do it.”

I shake my head, a smile playing on my lips.

“Why not? He deserves it.”

“He’s your best friend,” I point out.

“Wouldn’t be the first time we’ve got into it, and I’m pretty confident it wouldn’t be the last, either.”

“Boys,” I mutter.

We both freeze when heavy footsteps pound up the stairs.

I’m not sure anyone would really have an issue with Seb being here right now. After all, he’s not the one who’s done anything wrong, and everyone is more than aware that his heart belongs to Stella. And he’s apparently my cousin. It’s not like he’s snuck in here to do anything wicked.

“I should go,” he says, squeezing my foot once more. “Stella has probably already planned my murder a few times over.”

“Give her the phone when you get back, I’ll talk her down.”