Sparring with the guys, especially Alex and Nico, can be tough. But sparring with Titch… fuck. He wasn’t lying when he said he hadn’t lost it. It becomes clear pretty fast that I’m the one who’s going to lose.

He blocks almost every one of my punches while managing to land one after another on my already sore and bruised body.

“Fucking man up, Cirillo. You’re a bigger pussy than your wife,” he quips, knowing it’s going to get a rise out of me.

“Fuck you, prick,” I spit. “You know nothing about my wife,” I sneer.

“Not true. I know she doesn’t want you. I know she got the hell away from you at the first opportunity. Must make you feel like an idiot. Couldn’t even keep a girl when she’s locked up.”

The roar that rips around the room doesn’t sound like it comes from me, but as I fly at him, finally managing to make some contact, I know it did.

“That’s fucking better. Fight like you’ve actually got something to fight for. You want her, you care about her, fucking prove it to me. I might even put a good word in for you next time I see her.”

“FUUUUCK,” I bellow, going at him until my lungs burn, my muscles ache, my knuckles are wrecked and my body is covered in a layer of sweat.

And to be fair, when I finally tap out and get a good look at Titch, he’s not exactly in a much better state.

“Fuck me, you’re brutal,” Seb says from the sidelines.

“Yeah, well, what would you do if someone hurt someone you care about?” Titch barks.

“He has,” Seb agrees.

“Want a pop while he’s down? I can hold him, make it easy for you,” Titch offers with a smirk.

“Fuck off. His girl’s already done enough damage,” I confess.

“The black eye,” Seb adds proudly.

“Well, damn. She’s a keeper.”

“Hell yeah, she is,” Seb sings smugly.

Seb throws a towel and water bottle at me the second I drag my body up off the floor and wipe the sweat from my brow.

“Well, this was fun, kids, but I’ve gotta head out and go cause some adults some pain.”

“You work with D, right?” Seb asks, having already visited the studio to get some ink.

“Sure do.” He gives us both a salute before striding across the gym, eyes following his every move before he slips into the locker rooms to shower.

“How much did that hurt?” Seb asks once everyone else returns to what they were doing before Titch moved. Anyone would think he’s fucking royalty, the way they idolise him.

“Uh…” I hesitate, not really wanting to confess the truth.

“Yeah, says it all.” He holds his hand out for me to take. “Come on, let’s get you patched up.”

Reluctantly, I accept his help and get to my feet, my body protesting the entire time.

“You need a plan,” he tells me as we make our way across the gym.

“Who says I don’t have one?”

“Getting beat on and wasted isn’t really any kind of plan to win her back.”

“Who says I want her back?”

All the air rushes out of my lungs and my ribs burn as he slams me against the closest wall.