Nerves dance around in my stomach as I make my way down to my bike, but that’s nothing compared to the moment I kick up the stand and take off toward school. Then I want to barf in my helmet.

Is everyone going to know I’m Theo’s wife?

Will they know he locked me up like a fucking prisoner?

Will they know I escaped?

But most importantly… what is he going to do?

I’m a mess by the time I pull up in the car park. My entire body is trembling with nerves. I’ve never felt anything like it.

But exactly like I suspected, the second I kill the engine and pull my helmet off, two people appear in front of me.

“Emmie,” Stella squeals, releasing Seb’s hand, rushing toward me and wrapping her arms around me before I even have a chance to get off my bike.

She holds me so hard I can barely breathe, but I don’t try to fight it because damn it, I’ve missed her too.

I’m not really a hugger, but I need this right now.

“I’m so glad you’re okay,” she breathes in my ear.

“Shall we reassess at the end of the day?” I suggest.

“Hey, cous. How’s it going?” Seb says when Stella finally releases me.

“It’s… good. I’m not sure what I’d have done without you two these past few days.”

“Whatever you need, you know that,” Stella says softly, taking my hand in hers once I’m off my bike.

“He’s here already.” It’s not a question. It doesn’t need to be. His car was the only one I saw when I rode in. Everything else turned into a blur.

“He’s been here ages. Pretty sure he’s waiting for you.”

“So hoping he’d forgotten I exist was wishful thinking, then.”

“Yeah. He’s forgotten nothing."

I suck in a deep breath as I step up toward the building.

Intrigued stares follow me, but I have no idea if it’s because the last time I saw these people I was out of it at Sloane’s party, or because they know just how dramatic my life has been since.

Being the centre of attention isn’t really anything new to me. Since the first day I started here, it’s like I turned into a fucking zoo attraction.

I don’t fit in, I get it. There really is no need to stare and point it out.

“Ignore them,” Seb whispers. “You’re royalty now. They’re just jealous.”

I nod, keeping my head high and my shoulders back.

They might annoy me, but I’ll never let them see it. I will never cower to them.

They might think they’re better because they’ve got money and designer everything.

They might look down on me because I’m biker scum or whatever.

But that shit means nothing to me.

Money, labels, family connections mean nothing if you’re a class-A bellend.