“You’re playing with the wrong person, Hellcat,” he warns when I release it and lick across my bottom lip.

“Oh yeah?”

“I’ll put those lips to better use, and you damn well know it.”

“No you won’t,” I state confidently.

“Oh?” His brows lift in surprise.

“You won’t force me to do anything.” His eyes bounce between mine and my lips. “You fucked up, Theo, and you know it. You want to prove you’re not the lying cunt I think you are, then you know you need to do the right thing.”

“You’re a pain in my arse, Emmie.”

“That’s part of my job role now, huh?”

“What?” he asks, his brows pulling together. He almost looks cute with confusion written all over his face.

“As your wife. Ol’ ball and chain,” I tease, although it’s with a grimace.

“Em,” he sighs, “I’ve already told you—”

“That you had nothing to do with that. Yeah, yeah.” Reaching into the bag, I pull my burger out and unwrap it. “The only thing I know right now, Theo, is that I’m going to find out the truth whether you want to give it to me or not, and I will be getting out of whatever this is.”

He grabs his own food and we eat in silence for the longest time. The sky is clear and I watch the stars twinkle above us as I chew. I barely taste any of it. I’m not sure if that’s because of my exhaustion or my company, but I could be eating straw for all I know.

It’s not until we’re done and he’s taken the rubbish to the bin, probably beyond desperate to get rid of the stench, that he speaks again.

“Why do you think I didn’t want to fuck you, Em? I knew that if I did, that if we consummated… this without your knowledge, you’d hate me for it.”

“Yeah, you fucking got that right. Can you take me home now, please?” I ask, turning away from him and cutting off anything else he might want to say on the subject.

Now I’ve eaten, all I want to do is fall into a coma. I just fucking hope that when I wake, all of this has been one disastrous nightmare.