It’s not until I sit up that I discover she’s not actually asleep, because a pair of dark eyes stares at me.

“Em? Shit, I’m sorry, I—”

“What are you doing here, Theo?” she asks, her voice rough with sleep.

“I… um…” Whatever she must be able to read on my face clearly gives me away.

Lifting her hand, she wipes her lips, although they’re long clean now after the way she licked at my cum like it was something worth savouring.

Briefly, I wonder if she was actually awake and aware of what both of us were doing. But then I remember that she’d probably have bitten it off had that been the case.

“You’re a grade-A creep, Theo.”

“Yeah,” I say, lifting my hand and rubbing the back of my neck. I might be a little unsure of what’s going to happen next, but I don’t make any kind of move to cover my nakedness. Something I’m glad of when her eyes momentarily drop to my cock.

Oh hell, yes. Beg me for it, I dare you.

“But something tells me you love it.”

Her tongue runs along her bottom lip as she pushes up on her elbows and more obviously checks out my body this time.

“There’s something I don’t completely hate about you, I’ll give you that.” A smirk curls at her lips as she watches my semi harden completely at her suggestive tone.

“Oh yeah?” I ask, taking a step forward.

Her chest heaves as she stares at me, but the rest of her body is covered by the black duvet.

“Theo,” she warns, but she doesn’t mean it. I can read her body almost better than my own.

Reaching out, I rip the covers from her with such force that they fall off the other side of the bed, leaving her with nothing to reach for.


Then, I grab her ankles and drag her down the bed, forcing the shirt she’s wearing to ruche up around her waist, showing me what I already know.

She’s bare beneath.

“Hellcat,” I groan. “You dressed for me.”

“Fuck off, did I. I never dress for anyone but myself.”

Spreading her legs, I stare down at her cunt.

“And so wet for me already,” I mutter, noticing how slick she is just from waking up and finding me here.

“I’m not wet for you. I’m just wet cos I’m horny,” she hisses, redness blooming across her cheeks and down her neck at her admission.

“Sure,” I say, releasing one of her ankles and wrapping my fist around my dick. Immediately, her eyes drop down and darken until they’re almost black. “It’s got nothing to do with me.”

“I’m not fucking you,” she hisses, although she makes no move to close her legs and take the temptation away.

“Did I say you were going to?”

Releasing my grip on her ankle, I slide my hand up her calf, gently massaging her muscles as I go.

“T-Theo,” she moans when I dig my fingers into her at just the right spot. Her hips roll and her legs fall wider.

“Fuck, Em. You’re addictive,” I confess, running my eyes over every inch of her body.