This is a risk. She has every right to throw the thing back in my face and refuse to wear it, to show anyone who might care to look that she belongs to me. But the second I laid eyes on it, I knew it was meant for her. And even if she never wears it, she at least deserves something good out of all of this. Even if she ends up pawning it for something else in a few years’ time.

That thought makes my stomach twist uncomfortably, but I refuse to acknowledge the reaction to something she’s well within her rights to do after everything my father and I have put her through.

“Tell me that this is fashion jewellery, Theo.” When I don’t respond, she continues. “Theo,” she snaps. “It’s a red fucking diamond.”

“I’m aware of what it is, Em.”

“B-but it’s—”


Plucking it from its cushion, I hold it out for her. The one big red diamond and the smaller black ones that surround it catch the lights from outside as I wait for her to make a decision.

Finally, she lifts her hand and allows me to slide it up her ring finger.

“It fits.”

“Of course it does. What do you take me for?”

She rolls her eyes at that.

“It’s beautiful, Theo. But I can’t accept this. It’s too much.”

Reaching out, I tuck my fingers under her chin and force her to hold my eyes.

“Nothing is too much for you, Emmie.” I brush my thumb over the ring on her finger.

Her eyes flood with tears and she looks away from me, unable to take the intensity that’s always crackling between us.

“I’m not sure I can do this,” she confesses quietly.

“Of course you can. You’re Emmie Cirillo.”

“Theo, stop,” she begs. “I’m not. This whole thing is a joke. Stop pretending like it’s anything but one big mistake.”

“It’s not to me,” I say, sliding my hand around her waist, brushing my thumb up and down her ribs.

“How are you so cool about all of this?” she asks, searching my eyes.

“Because I know what I want. And I don’t care what title or label is attached to it. I just want you, Em. I’m fed up with fighting it.”

“Then you need to let me go.”

“I will.” Her eyes widen in shock. “Once we’ve got to the bottom of everything with your mum and find out if you really are in any danger. Then you can go.”

Her eyes hold mine, searching to see if I’m lying or not. But as much as I might want to keep her here with me forever, I know I can’t. I know she has a life, she has school.

The buzzer once again cuts our conversation short.

“We should probably get going, then.”

She takes a step to move around me, but I tighten my fingers on her waist, stopping her.

“It’s just a party, Em. With Stella, Calli and the guys. Nothing you can’t handle.”

“I know,” she says, sucking in some confidence and throwing her shoulders back. “I’m Emmie Cirillo.”

Threading my fingers through hers, I lead her toward the front door so we can make our way to whatever tonight might hold. Knowing my father, it won’t be as straightforward as I’m hoping for.