“Oh my God, you did not just say that.”

I just shrug. “Find a guy who can get you off like Theo can, and you’ll understand.”

Her lips part to say something but she quickly changes her mind, her cheeks heating instead.

“Calli?” I ask suspiciously. “Do you have a guy? Are you holding out on us?”

“W-what, no. No,” she argues.

“Really?” I ask, taking a sip of my drink.

Luckily for her, someone calling my name stops her from telling me any more lies, and not a second later, Stella appears beside us, looking like a fucking goddess in a deep red dress.

“Whoa, look at you,” Calli says, running her eyes up and down Stella’s body.

“I didn’t think Seb was going to let me out of the house.” She smirks, and my eyes drop to the angry hickey on her neck.

“So we can see,” I mutter.

“Yeah, like Theo was any better. Have you seen yourself?”

I think back to what happened between us before we left the flat, and my heart sinks.

All he’s done the last few days is make me realise that the person I thought he was was nothing more than an act. I mean, I knew it was—no one can be that cold and closed off all the fucking time. But I never expected the sweet and caring guy that really lies beneath. He’s insecure and sensitive, and just like everyone else on the planet, he just wants to be loved, to find his place.

It makes everything so much harder.

Not so long ago, I thought he was untouchable. That nothing and no one could hurt him.

But now, I know different, and I fear just how much damage I might be about to cause.

“So what are we drinking?” Stella asks, dragging me from my morose thoughts.

“No idea, but it’s strong. And I need another.”

Stella waves for the waiter when Calli fails to get his attention and orders us another round.

The effects of the second cocktail thankfully start to take the edge off a little, and Calli, Stella and I fall into easy conversation about our lives, with me pretending that being locked away for the past few days in Theo’s sex tower—as they’ve taken to calling it—was totally by choice.

“Emmie,” an unfamiliar voice squeals a little before we’re expected to move through to the dining room for our meal.

Spinning on my stool, I find Theo’s little brother and sisters heading my way with wide smiles on their faces.

“You came,” Larisa, Theo’s little sister says. “Your dress is so pretty.”

“Hey, it’s so good to see you.” She immediately cuddles into my side as if we’re long lost friends, and I stare down at her in shock, as if she’s about to explode any second.

“Please excuse her, she’s had too much sugar,” Rhea, her older sister, says. “It is good to see you. We didn’t think Theo was going to admit he liked you.”

“That’s enough, Rhea,” a deep voice booms from behind me.

My spine immediately stiffens as Damien and Selene appear in front of us.

“Larisa, I’m sure Emmie doesn’t want you creasing her beautiful dress,” Selene says to her youngest daughter after giving me a soft smile.

Wrapping my arm around Larisa’s shoulder somewhat awkwardly, I smile at Selene, more than happy to use her youngest as a shield from her twisted husband.

“She’s okay. I’m happy to see her too.”