This is over.

We’re over.

“Lower your guns. Let them go,” I say loud enough for the majority of the room to hear.

“Son?” Dad booms, concern filling his eyes.

“I said let them go,” I bark.

“Theo?” Seb’s concerned voice hits my ears, but nothing anyone can say right now will change my mind.

She’s made her decision.

She’s chosen them. Not us.

Emmie holds my eyes for two more seconds before she turns her back on me and walks between Cruz and Xander and stands toe to toe with my father.

“You don’t get to do this, Damien. You don’t get to control people’s lives, children’s lives like this. This marriage is a joke, and I’ll do anything in my power to dissolve it as quickly as you made it happen.”

“Marriage?” Seb hisses.

“Just get her fucking out of here. She’s made her choice,” I boom, my voice cold and deadly before I turn my back on everyone.