“No,” he breathes.

“I’m half Reaper, half Cirillo,” I say with a bitter laugh.

“Fuck me, Em.”

He pushes from the vanity and drops down on the other bed beside me.

“Mum had been dealing for Damien. She fucked up. I don’t know the details, but she ran, he found her, and he threw her in a cell in the basement of the building Theo lives in.”

Cruz stares at me, his mouth opening and closing like a fucking goldfish.

I continue, filling him in on everything I know, how I discovered the truth before landing the final blow.

“It wasn’t just Damien that orchestrated the marriage, Cruz. Mum might have signed it, giving me permission, but she didn’t know what she was signing. But it didn’t matter, the agreement had already been made.”

“Ram?” Cruz guesses.

“I’m sorry. I thought Mum was the bad guy here. I mean, she is. She fucked up and landed us here. But—”

“Fuck,” Cruz barks, pushing up from the bed in favour of pacing back and forth in front of me. “He told me he was going to make things right with Damien. That he had something Damien wanted that would prove our loyalty to him after the bullshit with Joker. I had no fucking idea that was you. Shit, Emmie. I’m so fucking sorry.’

“Cruz, stop,” I say, stepping into his path and stopping his pacing. “This wasn’t your fault.”

“I should have known. I’m his fucking VP. I should have known you were in danger. I should have found your mother. I should have—”

“Stop,” I scream, unable to listen to any more.

“Should haves don’t matter now. All that matters is what we do from here on out.”

“Where’s your mum now?”

“Still in the hospital.”

He nods before marching over to a door on the other side of the room I hadn’t noticed. He rips it open and barks out, “Someone get me some fucking whiskey. Kid, you want anything?” he asks, looking back at me.

I shake my head.

The temptation to get wasted and forget all of this is strong. But what good will it do?

“Did you bring me clothes?” I ask once he’s closed the door once more.

“Of course. Everything I think you might need is in a bag in the wardrobe. If I’ve missed anything, we can send one of the guys out.”

Walking over to him, I throw my arms around his shoulders and hold him tight.

“Thank you, Cruz. Happy New Year.”

“Anytime kid. Happy New Year.”