“Y-yeah. I actually need to head out,” I say, glancing over at Mum with an apology in my eyes, knowing that she’s already had to change tonight’s dinner plans with me turning up unannounced.

But as ever, she looks totally unfazed.

“Is everything okay?” she asks softly, understanding written all over her face.

She probably thinks I’ve just been summoned by Dad or Uncle Evan, not that an image of a sweaty girl with her hands wrapped fighting a big bad biker just landed on my phone.

“Yeah, everything’s great. I’m so sorry.”

“I’ll plate it up for you when it’s ready. If you have time, swing by later and get it.”

“I will do. Thank you, Mum.”

“Anytime, sweetie. You know that.”

I’m halfway across the kitchen when my annoying little sister pipes up.

“You know he’s going because of a girl, right?”

“Rhe,” I growl.

The most innocent smile lights up her face. Conniving little witch. “What?” she asks, her voice cracking as if she’s actually scared of me. “That was a picture of Emmie on your phone, was it not?”

My fists curl and my teeth grind.

“Something we should know?” Mum asks, looking a little too excited.

“No, and I’m not going to see her, just because…” They both stare at me with expectant, excited looks on their faces. “Because I’m not. Excuse me.”

I duck out of the room but not before I hear Mum call, “We both love Emmie. She’s so sweet.”

I scoff as I pull the front door open. “Sweet my fucking arse.”

I march toward my car and hate that every time I now look at it, I see her. I can picture her sitting in the driver’s seat, her slim fingers wrapped around the wheel, as she drove my poor girl into a fucking wall.

I almost didn’t bother picking her up when the garage called to say she was ready. I almost just told them to sell it, knowing exactly what would happen the next time I saw her, and I was fucking right.

I swear to fucking God, the whole interior smelled like her too when I dropped into the seat.

It was my own fault, I knew that, but in my panic, while the building began to burn around us, the only thing I could think about was getting her out, getting her to safety.

Fuck knows why I cared. But at that moment, I did. Too fucking much.

Irritated with myself, I jab my finger against the start button and back out of the driveway, ignoring the black, charred ground where my old home used to be. I guess I should be glad that’s gone, because just like my car, she was everywhere inside there, too.

My penthouse is safe. Clear of her face and cutting comments. It’s exactly how I intend on keeping it. Well, as long as Dad allows it.

My grip on the wheel tightens until my knuckles turn white.

Mickey’s might actually be exactly what I need.