I haven’t actually seen her fight, but I know that she’d show me up in a heartbeat.

She’s been training her whole life. I’ve barely just started.

“I’m more than happy to find out. Bet Seb would be too.”

“I’m not fighting Stella just to feed your sick fantasies.”

Grabbing my bottle, I climb out of the ring.

“Well, as fun as this was, I’m gonna—” I thumb over my shoulder and turn my back on them before they can come up with any more perverted ideas.

I push through the door to the ladies’ locker room with a heavy sigh.

Maybe asking Xander to train me here was a bad idea. I should have known they’d turn up eventually. I heard more than a few rumours around the clubhouse when the guys were talking about The Circuit to know that both Alex and Nico fight. It only stood to reason that they’d show their faces at Mickey’s eventually. I guess I just naïvely hoped they’d train elsewhere and have nothing to do with that place.

Yeah, keep lying to yourself, Em.

The locker room is deserted. It’s not exactly a shock, seeing as I was the only female in the entire gym.

Twisting the key in my locker, I pull out my towel and wash bag before heading for the shower, pushing thoughts of the guys, or more specifically one guy, from my head and focusing on the homework I’ve got to crack on with when I get home.