“Get the fuck out, both of you,” I bark, taking a step closer to Emmie.

“We got your back, bro. Performance anxiety isn’t a joke,” Alex says, and I don’t need to look to know he’s fighting a laugh. “Happens to the best of u— wait, nope. Never happened to me. Enjoy his flaccid cock, Emmie.”

Grabbing a bottle of something from the side, I launch it at Alex’s head.

Stupid fuck doesn’t see it coming, and it connects with his temple with an audible thud.

“Motherfucker,” he growls.

“Get out before I fucking make you,” I say coldly.

They might be happy to rib me, but equally, they know when to quit. And thankfully, they’re more than able to read that that time is right the fuck now.

“That wasn’t fucking necessary,” Alex mutters, rubbing what I assume is a massive egg on the side of his head from the force of that hit.

They both back out of the room, leaving the two of us alone once more.

“You can fuck off, too. In case you missed the clues, I don’t want you anywhere fucking near me.”

“Oh, so your nipples aren’t hard and you’re not wet for me?”

“I’m cold, arsehole. And no, dry as the fucking Sahara. Happens every time I’m around your ugly face.”

I can’t help but smile.

“You’re a really shitty liar, you know that, Hellcat?”

“Hellcat, really? That’s the best you can come up with?”

She rolls her eyes but quickly realises her mistake when her back collides with the lockers, my forearms pressed on either side of her head.

Her chest heaves, defying her words from only a few minutes ago about how affected by me she is.

“What do you want from me?” she asks, her voice a little smaller than it has been since I walked in on her.

My eyes bounce between hers, searching for the answers I’ve been sent for.

“What are you hiding, Hellcat?”

“You want my secrets, Boss?”

My jaw tics as I continue staring at her.

“You’ll have to break me first.”

Pushing from the lockers, I take a step back.

“Don’t challenge me, Ramsey. You should know by now that I never lose.”

“Newsflash, wanker, nor do I.”

Pulling the towel from her body, she holds it out to her side before letting it drop.

“Don’t rush. It’ll be the last time you see it.”

It fucking pains me, but I rip my eyes away from her body, lifting my hand to push my hair back from my brow.

“Keep lying, Hellcat. I dare you.”

With that threat issued once more, I spin on my heels and walk away from her, the image of her porcelain skin and rosy pink nipples firmly locked away in my wank bank for later.

“That was quick. Did you even get it—”

Alex’s words are cut off when my fist collides with his jaw and sends him stumbling back.

“Shut. The. Fuck. Up.”

Nico watches with his mouth gaping open as I barge through both of them and blow out of the gym without looking back, stretching out my fingers.