Turning my back on Alex and Nico, I happily walk toward him.

“Is everything okay?” I ask. I always feel a little weird, being here, because as of yet, I haven’t seen another woman. I know they’ve got a women’s locker room, but I can’t help but wonder if Mickey is a bit of a sexist pig who doesn’t want any females around.

“I hear you’re looking for a job,” he says, shocking the shit out of me.

“Er…” I glance over his shoulder and see Xander smiling at me.

Of course.

“Y-yeah, I am.”

“Okay great. I need some female presence around this place. I’m sure you’ve noticed we’re usually lacking a softer touch.”

“I’m not sure many would describe me as soft,” I tell him, much to Mickey’s amusement.

“You know what I mean. I just need someone to man the reception, do a few jobs here and there. Nothing too strenuous.”

“It sounds perfect, but I need out of school hours.”

“Perfect, Tara was a student,” he says, talking as if I should have a freaking clue who Tara was. “Just one rule.”

“Okay, shoot.”

“No fucking my fighters.”

I choke on my own breath at his warning.

“Um… s-sure. That won’t be an issue.”

“That includes Xander.”

I can’t help but laugh, although it sounds bitter when it hits my ears. “No worries there. I’ve been severely friend-zoned.”

“Good. You’re too good, and young, for an arsehole like him.” Mickey winks, telling me that his words are far from the truth. I’ve seen the way Mickey talks to Xander, like he’s the son he never had. It’s sweet. In an illegal fight circuit/gang kind of way.

I mutter some kind of agreement that I don’t really feel.

“So you’re in?”

“I’m in. But—” I quickly add. “I’m away next week.”

“No worries, kid. We’re closed. Start in the new year?”

“Sounds perfect.”

“Put your shit in there,” he says, handing me his phone. “I’ll send you the details. I’ll pay you well as long as you prove yourself to be trustworthy, but being a Ramsey, I’m sure there will be no issue there.”

“You got it.” I salute him and step away. “Thank you. I really appreciate it.”

“Anytime, kid. I didn’t really see you waiting tables or serving coffee.”

“You got me there.”

Alex and Nico are nowhere to be seen as I make my way out of the gym, but something tells me they heard all of that. They’ve probably already informed Theo as well.


Pulling my helmet on, I throw my leg over my bike and make my way home, my muscles aching from the extra effort I put in with Xander to put on a good show for Theo.